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Old 15-04-2020, 02:40 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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Animal Spirit Oracle Cards

Card of the day - Scarab Beetle Spirit - Magic Works Through You
What Else Do I Need to Know - Grasshopper Spirit - Take a Leap of Faith
Where is This Going - Koala Spirit - Spirit Has a Plan

Pulled these last night. A lovely spread of cards to be met with this morning.
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Old 16-04-2020, 05:45 AM
tealily tealily is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
THINK about: The Sun. Get some fresh air, get some exercise, play with the dogs - be happy! Think of happiness. Engage in it, and also consider it as part of the end game.

DO: Page of Swords rev. Gear up but don't take off just yet. Maybe this will be a strong prep week?

CHALLENGE: Knight of Wands. My temper might be fiestier than usual this week - or I may want to take a few rash or heated actions. I need to concentrate on cooling my jets and being kind with my words.

ALLY: Page of Pentacles rev feels like the studybuddy who leans in and checks in on me to make sure I'm doing what I'm meant to be doing, instead of being distracted and procrastinating with someone else

As we approach the end of the week, I'm not sure on that Knight of Wands - maybe it was actually saying that I need to be MORE active. I've had lots of motivation issues this week!

And I've figured out who the ALLY is :) I'm lining up some mentoring, and boy oh boy do I have a lot of work to do.
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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Old 16-04-2020, 07:53 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
As we approach the end of the week, I'm not sure on that Knight of Wands - maybe it was actually saying that I need to be MORE active. I've had lots of motivation issues this week!

And I've figured out who the ALLY is :) I'm lining up some mentoring, and boy oh boy do I have a lot of work to do.

When I get Knight of Wands is always indicates that I need to be more active, to get out there and "do" stuff.
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Old 20-04-2020, 05:57 PM
tealily tealily is offline
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Weekly reading

THINK: 6 of Swords rev. Fits and starts - what's not working and why? Look under that 'hood.

DO: 8 of Wands. Light a fire under my butt and really get into it.

CHALLENGE: Ace of Cups - turning it "on" and really getting everything flowing and working beautifully. I can almost feel the mud out of the pipes - it really needs a high-pressure flush of water.

ALLY: 2 of Cups - yup, I'm getting some help with everything!
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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Old 29-04-2020, 02:26 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Tried a different on-line deck of cards and it was spot on. Interesting week so far.

Wisdom of the Oracle
1) Card of the Day - Chaos and Conflict (The Value of Chaos before Order)
2) What Else Do You Need to Know - Round & Round - (Acknowledging My Role in the cycle)
3) Where is This Going - Between Two World’s - (No Guarantees, Let Spirit take Control)

Laid off. (Then all in one day) Interview, Called back to Work, 2nd Interview.
Next Day, went to work, soft hire. Filled out a second application. Next day from hire, more paperwork. Definitely in no mans land. Wow!
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Old 05-05-2020, 10:36 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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So, this happened. I pulled 3 cards from the on-line deck and I flipped the first card. Read a few lines into the description and thought, “nope.” The other two cards went blank. Then one card disappeared. Hmm... That reading was not for me.

Hit refresh button.

All new cards.

All three, spot on. Huh!

Decided to begin a journal of week ahead spread cards. Writing down the description and card helps me remember them throughout the week. :-)

So, tah, dah,....
Animal Spirit Oracle Cards -

Peacock spirit - upside down - let it shine
Eagle spirit - upside down - spirits has your back
Rhino spirit - right side up - overcoming any obstacle
**Important reminder on the end of the Rhino card; Great spirit loves you so much and only wants the best for you.

A lovely read after so much change in life and neighborhood and world.
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Old 13-05-2020, 06:37 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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For my week of Change, with a Capital "C"

Spirit Animal Oracle Card Deck

1) Parrot Spirit - Watch your Words" (just watched a video on affirmation, grounding, protection and Guides!) Words are super important!

2) Chameleon Spirit - "Act as If" and "Do as others Do" in these uncharted territories (Will beginning a new work situation and it is a good reminder to watch and learn. This is all good!)

3) Ground Hog Spirit - "Time to Let Go" - (Yes, the old job was not serving my highest and best good. I was unlearning who I am... I will miss so many people, but now I will be able to see them in a new way, a better way!)

**Every week, I think, "I want to keep this spread forever. It is the child in me; but then the next week a new spread simply shines a beautiful light in a new way and I think, again, I want to keep this one. Silly I know, like leaping from rock to rock to cross a river, being thankful and feeling blessed for each rock as it appears to help me on my journey in uncharted waters.
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Old 14-05-2020, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Anala
Spirit Animal Oracle Card Deck

**Every week, I think, "I want to keep this spread forever. It is the child in me; but then the next week a new spread simply shines a beautiful light in a new way and I think, again, I want to keep this one. Silly I know, like leaping from rock to rock to cross a river, being thankful and feeling blessed for each rock as it appears to help me on my journey in uncharted waters.

That is beautiful Anala!
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Old 21-05-2020, 04:05 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Thanks Legrand, I know, baby steps!

Another spot on week ahead spread, playing out in the physical world.
I pulled these card this morning, bit did not have time to read them until now...

1) vulture spirit - nothing is wasted (no pain is in vain) **Today at work, when my work station went, “live” I made every mistakes in the book, oh it was painful, but at the end of the day, I grew by leaps and bounds!

2) Badger Spirit - be fearless and bold ** yes, dusted my self off for another go around! And the reward, I did not shy away and learned even more! :

3) Skunk Spirit - Know your worth **yes, easy enough to focus on the positive, but chose to focus on the positives!

I am going to have to purchase this deck someday, as I really speaks to me!

Okay, time for sleep to have Dreams of jousting windmills!
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Old 01-06-2020, 02:22 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Spirit Animal Oracle Cards It might be time to purchase this deck, I really like the pictures and the messages!

Porcupine Spirit - Time for a Beginner's Mind
Brown Bear Spirit - Take a Time Out
Wasp Spirit - Sometimes life Stings

Ah, I think I see where this is going.

Beginner's Mind - Having a week in which I missed that feeling of wonder. It is like remembering who simple and fresh a cup of water can be and being in that moment.

Taking Time Out - I am realizing the importance of having the time and space to simply be or rest between projects. I can rush about, or I can think it out and take the time to do it right the first time.

Sometimes Life Stings - One door closes and another opens.

While this weeks spread seems a bit more serious, I think I like it. Sometimes less whimsy is a good thing!
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