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Old 12-06-2024, 04:39 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Hi Fairy.
It's really really good !
( Again, I'm thinking you could make them to sell in your art gallery !!! )
It reminds me of a dolls house, so you know what's coming next dont you ?
A custom made dolls house for your granddaughter
complete with all the furniture haha...
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Old 12-06-2024, 08:56 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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No, after this I'm good, hihi.
It has had its toll on my body to do this, and I'm not there yet.
This really is a one-off project.

As for a dolls house... we still have the one my ex husband made for our daughter :)
I decorated it at the time with wallpaper and flooring that we'd used in our children's bedrooms.
The dolls house is at my girl's place, the furniture and cute li'l metal cutlery are in my house.
My ex had a special electric saw for finer things like that.
I have the hand-held type of jigsaw you use to saw planks and small beams. You cannot really do very fine work with that.

And thank you for cheering me on!
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Old 12-06-2024, 09:07 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Nice that you have managed to do the cats house though ...
Well done you !!!
And so sweet you have still got in the family the dolls house made for your daughter.

I love dolls houses.
I never had one , but my sister in law has one ( like a stately home ) with all the bells and whistles .

As you say , tiny cutlery , all the little details and I just love it.

Not sure why , but I am addicted to miniatures in any way, shape or form...!
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Old 12-06-2024, 12:46 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Omg you have done an amazing job of this cats house. Brilliant!!! Lucky cats.

The dolls house you mentioned sounds lovely. What about posting a pic of that as well. I luuuuuv dolls houses!
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Old 12-06-2024, 01:42 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Thank you both!!

The dolls house is not an overly fancy one, but still cute and sturdy so a child could really play with it.

I don't have a photo of it though. Maybe somewhere in my photo albums, not sure.

Come to think of it.... we even were working on lights in it! With tiny switches on the walls in the rooms, haha.
Somehow we never got to properly finish that off. Not sure why, long time ago!!

Currently painting the insides of the roof, back & sides of the cathouse.
Bumped into a problem: I couldn't get to the inside of the back :/
I'd planned to simply screw it off, but then realised there are supports attached to it to hold up the floor of the top house.
Screwing off the back meant I'd lose that entire construction and I wasn't in the mood to sod around with that again, it'd be disassembling too much.

So... I carefully put it on its back. I haven't got a proper workbench, so it sits on a larger slab of multiplex that's on top of a bunch of beams and planks. It's quite stable, but anything big like toppling over the cathouse... Could've resulted in the planks/beams and wooden plate sliding and then I wouldn't be able to hold that larger cathouse.
But I did it!!

Goddess knows how I'm going to get it upright again, haha.
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Old 24-06-2024, 01:09 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Well, it is outdoors on the patio!
It still needs finishing touches, but it is functional.
I finished off all that was needed in order for it to go outside in one go.
A helluva lot of work, I really did too much but once it was out of the garage, I had no choice.
The point being that I couldn't put the roof sections on until getting it out of the garage as it wouldn't fit through the door with the roof.

But I first still had to do the bottom floor, then the legs.
Next was getting it off of my improvised work bench on my own. It's too big to lift for me, so I let it slide down over a plank, praying the plank would stay in place.
Then it turned out it didn't fit through the door after all so I had to unscrew a thingie from the doorframe.

As soon as it stood outside, Roosje ran to it and jumped right in to have a good nose around, haha. She even went through the passage to the lower cathouse!

Getting the larger back roof to hinge was nightmarish, hihi.

I had worked on getting it ready the entire afternoon and wasn't done until 9 in the evening.
I was shattered! But... also happy!!

It's been out for some 5-6 days now.

Yet, they didn't go in it so now I open the catflaps during the day so both cats see and know they can get into it.

The other day Nila went in, had a good nose around as she totally disappeared, then came out again. I happened to spot it and quickly took some photos

I will get some straw to put in the house. Straw repels moisture, keeps warm when cold and warm cools when hot.
Cats can burrow in it as well.

As I said, still needs finishing touches, like doing something so the roof cannot be blown open or off during storms.
And I intend to put something against that roof on the inside otherwise it's like an echo box in there when it rains. It's gotta be pleasant so they will actually use it.

And that brown plank will get painted English red. But for now kinda fed up with it, hihi. It'll come!
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Old 24-06-2024, 02:32 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Oh it's just brilliant Fairy.
Really cool. They are going to love it when they get used to it !!!
Just great.
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Old 06-07-2024, 06:07 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Thank you, AngelBlue!!

In the meantime I've started with the next project: statue of Archangel Christiel.
I want one in the garden where I've made a portal for Unicorns & Lyra but since AA Christiel is less known you cannot find a statue anywhere.
So I decided to make one myself from Paverpol (textile hardener).

Didn't have much time this week and making the 'body/frame' was a helluva lot of work.
Just now I've begun to dress it up, but only a few thingies.

The first beginning. I bought a torso and an egg for the head:

It's got arms (cut them from styropor), gave him a nose.
Today I changed the stand and attached the wing frames.
I put the 'skin' on the face, arms and hands (hands will get another layer).
I've done some silver accents, will post a photo of that later.
Can't continue now with the rest of the clothes as the silver parts will have to dry first.
The sleeves have already been cut though!

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Old 06-07-2024, 07:39 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Well, that's it for today. I'm shattered!!

Got fabric around the bamboo wingframes now, and managed to get 1 sleeve done. Trust me when I say that wasn't easy!

The silver armbands and shirt. There will be a white loose top/tunica over that so the silver will just show a tad.
Which is why the silver mess on the belly area isn't a prob, it'll be covered up later on :)

Now I forgot to do the 2nd & finishing wrapping of the hands before doing the armbands, doh...

PS The wings will likely be the last thing I do so I don't damage them whilst working on the clothes and hair.
I intend to make the wings mother of pearl white. I've got powder for that to mix through the white Paverpol.
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Old 07-07-2024, 02:16 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Makes sense to make it yourself . If anyone can do it you can..
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