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Old 13-08-2006, 08:41 PM
Posts: n/a
herb question

NO clue where this would go but here i go

ive fer the last 3 years had an herb garden (various pots in my moms backyard) and was corious on medicinal/magical qualities of my herbs(i recentally added like 11 or so to my garden so those arent memorised but i know outhers)list is

chocolate mint
cinnamon lemon and holy basil(3 different plants)
german chamille
pineapple sage~ones i know not 100% on new pot has
(the lemon basil(and cinnamon))
lemon verabena
lemon sumthinelse
and yea ill have ta update the list and maby shoot some pics of them(3 pots small one a kinda middle and 18 inch can lift all of those this year fer end of season got a wooden pot that cant move--might try to get it in more light fer my really wilty shugarplant) and yea i LOVE my gerden gonna hopefully try flours n a non-pot situation plus fer aslong as i can rember uncles had a vegie(or is it fruit?? above ground harvestin usially tomatos and peppers more recentally cukes and simalar) garden

any help is appriated
Old 13-08-2006, 08:46 PM
Posts: n/a
That sounds awesome - I always had my own herb garden and loved tending to my plants. The Sage I reckon can be dried, and then used to cleanse out negative energies in the rooms of your house..
Old 13-08-2006, 10:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by lonelytraveller
That sounds awesome - I always had my own herb garden and loved tending to my plants. The Sage I reckon can be dried, and then used to cleanse out negative energies in the rooms of your house..
cool im usted to usin the freezer to dry my herbs and it works cept fer when i get a whole bunch then they fall on the floor

outher wise how would ya do that?? crumble and sprinkle it??(the exact variety is pineapple sage so might be different) and little ectra info house is from the 20's(the one with bunches of herbs this one i think the 70's and yea im swappin between 2 houses cause of my moms work schedule but im usted ta it) when i was younger thought there was a ghost there food like foccia will get moldy after 3 days of beein on the counter un-opened and only my moms room gets the heat/ac but i get usted ta cold in the winter and my "domain" is bascally my room and the foyier livin room/dinin roommy mom has use of the rest of the house
Old 14-08-2006, 08:02 PM
Posts: n/a
That's cool - there's an article here on sage:

Apparently, you just set light to the dried bunch and waft the smoke around. It lightens the atmosphere by turning positive ions into negative ions.
Old 14-08-2006, 08:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by lonelytraveller
That's cool - there's an article here on sage:

Apparently, you just set light to the dried bunch and waft the smoke around. It lightens the atmosphere by turning positive ions into negative ions.
intreastin good thing we dont have a smoke detector here huh?? ok well angels actin alittle different(my kitty) i wonder whats up or if its just beein here

later today if im ALLOWED to go outside ill get the names of my outher plants
Old 16-08-2006, 06:20 PM
Posts: n/a
chocolate mint speramint catnip pennyroyal
pineapple sage
holy cinnamon and lemon basil(3 varieties)
silver tyme
lavender cotton
german chammille(dead and dying)
lemon verabena
lemon balm
a shugarplant/sweetner herb(one dead outher badly wilted think about to die too)
i was away from my plants fer a week and when i returned they were pretty much all wilty and in horrible shape(my moms growin stuff too and youd think she can find time fer waterin some pots usioally takes me like 5 min and i generally do a good through watering) so yea i was ****ed there and yelled at her(i only haverest my herbs while there in good shape and not wilty dont know why just do)

a chunk of my jurnal on da full list to memory(still kinda mad at my mom)
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