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03-09-2021, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 114
Why Can't I Make Money???
Let me start off by first saying I feel I am blessed. I live in an UMC neighborhood in a fairly large house that I own. I do not pay a mortgage or property taxes. I have two late model paid for luxury cars, although I don't drive. I recently gave one of the cars to a relative free of charge. I do not pay for food or utilities, my daughter who lives with me pays for these. My income is small consisting of social security and a pension.
I would like to take on a part-time job to pay for a few extras, but every effort to do so is blocked. It has been this way for at least 20 years. I started a business that I had to shutter due to COVID and postal delays. The business was never successful. I've had a number of opportunities that have been presented to me, but they all somehow blow up at the last minute. I blog for free with helpful info to the medical community. I also help a lot of military veterans online with free resources. Everyone seems to love what I do.
One year I was excited to have been invited to a free seminar where I would learn about money blockages and how to overcome them in order to financially prosper. The seminar was being held cross-country. I got up early to get to the airport in time. I used to travel for free with frequent flyer miles from my job. i boarded the plane which took off on time. Part way through the flight the pilot said we had to turn around and go back because something was wrong with the plane. I of course missed the seminar.
Last month I was asked to fly to another city all expenses paid including a paycheck to tape a television show. I was sent the ticket and hotel reservation. A few days before everything was canceled with no understandable explanation.
I just got a part-time job with a large corporation, but when I went to accept the offer online the system lost the information and it cannot be retrieved and will not accept a new offer letter. What is going on??? I am given practically everything for free, but it as as though the rules are I cannot earn any money! This has been happening to me for years!!!
I've listened to subliminal and hypnosis tapes for years and often say affirmations over and over such as:
God takes care of all my needs and wants now!
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want!
Jehovah Jireh the Lord richly provides!
Money is my friend! I have lots of money!
I am so very grateful for everything I have been given, but for some reason I am prohibited from making actual money. Why??? Please help!
Last edited by Parma : 04-09-2021 at 03:04 AM.

04-09-2021, 05:10 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 22,449
I was never great at making money either, but there were a few times I cashed in pretty good. I didn't spend that money. I put most of it away and over time I regularly saved up bit by bit. I failed so often at everything from business to personal life I developed a failure complex, so I never really feel confident and expect everything to blow up in my face, but I go forward and find out they are irrational. No matter how how many times things don't work out and how I feel about, how scared I get or how painful it gets, I keep moving forward nonetheless. I know the past makes it look like there is a pile of evidence to support current self-beliefs, and there's no real way to get around that, and it gets scary because what if the next thing just adds more evidence and reaffirms the belief? Yikes. It makes it hard to move forward, and sometimes maybe it's better to just stop for a while, but at some point you need to move on to the next things and give it your best crack.
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world ~ Buddha
Last edited by Gem : 04-09-2021 at 10:02 AM.

04-09-2021, 08:43 AM
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: अनुगृहितोऽस्म
Posts: 16,925
Parma, have you ever thought about getting a 'coach' to help you with what is going on?
Discussing the matter(s) in detail, the person might be able to reveal to you things you might do to get over theses 'hurdles'.
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Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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10-09-2021, 10:56 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 114
Thanks for the feedback. I'm really beginning to question myself. I was under the impression this was coming from something external. I guess I need to do some internal soul searching.

11-09-2021, 12:40 AM
sorry you are having problems with this but you seem blessed in other ways and you get by. why it has not happened is because it has not been meant to happen, the things you described, I'm guessing. Sometimes if I have a question I go inwards and ask, just like you say you will do and sometimes just before waking up - I get the answer.
I hope you get your answer, when you do please share.

11-09-2021, 01:06 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 7,659
Originally Posted by Parma
Thanks for the feedback. I'm really beginning to question myself. I was under the impression this was coming from something external. I guess I need to do some internal soul searching.
internal soul searching will help you I think, but, just be aware that the external world will sometimes create problems, then blame you for things you had nothing to do with and make you go off and try to fix them. All the while telling you you are crazy not to buy the idea that you are somehow solely responsible for everything that happens around you or if you don't act accordingly.
You are supposed to be strong and take care of things yourself, and meanwhile absolve everyone else for all responsibility for the bad things their activities bring. As if they were your own fault.
I know it isn't PC to say such things, but I also know that some things are true regardless of whether or not people will make noises meaning they accept it when you say them.

12-09-2021, 03:59 PM
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 178
Just day trade US small caps with a proven strategy?
All you need is education, a simulator and then you test with 1,000$.
Day trading is the path for freedom and money
Every other business in the world just go up and down, come and go, and crashes... Doesn't last forever becuse of constant competition and changes...
But Day trading is evergreen because human emotion never changes... And there is no competition here which is kinda cool (you take the money from the company and investment banks itself like a fish)
Word of caution: Do never follow anybodies alerts. Become 100% self-sufficient. You have to trade smallcaps that are liquid, volatile with a solid risk management and practice. Most Press releases are **, so do never believe the lies of the marketing of this companies neither any guru.
After that, you will have a core 3-5 solid day trading strategies that are evergreen, rinse & repeat, unconscious magic and you will make money and freedom!

12-09-2021, 05:38 PM
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: अनुगृहितोऽस्म
Posts: 16,925
Being in your own business is a 'gamble'. You have to learn to 'roll' with the losses and rejoice when you 'win' something.
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Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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28-11-2021, 12:55 AM
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 157
For some, the universe desires that they make a lot of money very easily and quickly.
For others, the universe desires that they make a lot of money slowly, after a lifetime of effort.
Then there are those where the universe desires that they focus on something higher than money.

28-11-2021, 08:33 AM
these days i identify the success of money with psychopathic, narcissistic ways, I cant help it, just my own bad experiences of it.
like when i was in a relationship with a man my psychiatrist said was a psychopath - from the first go - my friends were impressed by his first family's income, wealth
would have parties at such places - I didn't know. I just came along, said hi and thank you for allowing me to come
did not think much of it.
Only NOW I know why I seem to attract in the past psychopath and narcissist - because I was overly empathic.
in my opinion no one should give away their power to money. i don't want to take other people's money, it's theirs. i want to make my own so i can get by and like what i do for a living and thats enough for me.
And then I have had to put up with a narcissistic "parent-in-law who try to sell so hard this image that it is successful and has much money
I've seen my children's dad (the son of this narcissist)'s sibling sit and had to take it that the narcissist is disrespectful to the significant other and she has to sit and take it or so she has done - waiting for some god dam response - and the guy is locked down - because they have been given money by the narcissist and so that apparently comes with the unspoken condition! of humiliation and control. Nice.
The narcissist don't care that it hurts how she looks at the son, that is now like half a man, and how she feels, suffering in silence. that in the end it can even cost the marriage, their family life - the grandkids family life. All the narcissist care about is that it has won, it is the best and this is how it can abuse it's power. And everyone else - just gotta take it. Comes with the package. Socalled "Authority" (NO - abuse - not authority)
I was waaaay before this very much aware - I think I got aware from an early stage in life - just how some grown ups look and treat money and people. They can't have much going on inside of them , real self worth and real self esteem or they would not go up with their nose like that and think they're something or steal, cheat or lie just to get it when they really can cope with what they already got.
They just want to be superior, at all cost. And here I thought it would get tiresome after a while - like when is enough enough? The answer: Never. Because their self esteem, self worth, their power - depend on it. It can never be enough.
I've always refused to accept any kind of money from the narcissist. I was just as independent when I was in the relationship with the psychopath. Friends and he did not get it. I got it. But I did not say it. No thanks to unspoken conditions. I make it by on my own. But I feel sorry for those who are jammed down and have to be under their thumb. And too I feel frustraded at those who crave it - to think it shines a light on them too - the successful light - that the narcissist, psychopath has given them by given them money, as if that is the real deal of love. It ain't love. It's just money. And what happens if the threat comes or it is taken away? Then what? How big does one feel then? So no thanks - think it is important, if you can, to have your own power, your own money and work with that. I've seen this sort of abuse in relationships too where one make more money than the other and chose to act out to the other as if it is a child - I suspect they ain't got it going on in bed after that. Parent-child relationship. Not 2 adults without the power struggle.
I just hate the way they look at money. And how they use it to make other feel inferior. And to lock them in to their unspoken condition because of it - which is humiliation. control.
My summon is bad people do bad things with money - and people, it ain't more complicated than that, it is just when it is swirled around everything else it is hard for others to see, including myself too before
Of course there are those who are successful with money and are not narcissists or psychopaths, thank God
Last edited by asearcher : 28-11-2021 at 09:26 AM.
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