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Old 04-01-2006, 11:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Help or explanations, please.

I was sitting in my car at a garage, waiting for my friend to collect her car after some repairs.
There were quite a few damaged cars, but the one directly in front of me had a lot of damage.

As I just sat there, with my mind miles away, (probably thinking about what to make for dinner), I saw a person in the damaged car. It was a female with long fair hair, and as I watched, she was flung forward with tremendous force, and a man then appeared in the driver's seat, directly in front of her. I could see him quite plainly and could describe his features and hair. He appeared to move forward only slightly, but I could see the horrified expression on his face.

It was the strangest thing, but I just calmly sat and watched this drama unfold, and as it was happening, the shattered glass of the windscreen was whole, but I hadn't noticed this occur.

It was only after I got home, that it hit me, that something very strange had occured. I assumed I had been watching some kind of replay of events that had taken place during the accident the car must have been in, and the driver had been supported by an airbag.

Until about 18 mths ago, I was quite normal, (well in my opinion, anyway, lol). In this period, there have been quite a few weird things happening, especially in my home.

Has anyone had a similar experience, or can anyone help with an explanation as to why these occurences are happening to me. I have lived quite a long life without any peculiar events, apart from a few when I was a child.
Old 09-01-2006, 03:56 PM
Barbara With
Posts: n/a
The only way to know if it was a psychic phenomenon...

Glad you would have to try and find out whose car it was, and if what you saw coincided with what really happened. The thing about psychic information is that it often is accessed in the same place that the imagination works. So your imagination could have experienced an imagined empathetic synopsis of what you imagined happened as you "felt" the psychic information in the wrecked car. I have been a practicing psychic since 1978 and I can tell you, just because you can think it up doesn't necessarily mean it's a psychic experience. The proof is in how well it matches what really happened. Same is true with predictions. You can only know how accurate they were after time passes and you can see if they came about.
Old 09-01-2006, 09:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Hiya Barbara,

Firstly, thank you for taking the time and trouble to read my meandering thread.
I believe scepticism is very healthy, we all need to question the whys of anything.
I did consider ringing the garage, after I came home and thought about what had happened, but I was too afraid of the answer.
You could be absolutely right about it being my imagination, but I'm very down to earth and usually only see what's physically there. The disturbing thing that day was that the people I saw were solid, not ghost-like figures, and that I watched it so calmly without being alarmed by what I was seeing.

So, thank you again for your slant on what may have happened, I will certainly consider that possibility.

Regards, Glad
Old 10-01-2006, 05:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Your post sounds familiar, are you on paranormaust?
Old 10-01-2006, 10:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Hiya Monkey,

No, I didn't post on that forum, unless I did it in my sleep, lol.
Never heard tell of it, but thank you, I might check it out.

Regards, Glad
Old 10-01-2006, 10:41 AM
Barbara With
Posts: n/a
Very real

Glad, I sincerely did not mean to suggest you were making the whole thing up. I just have so many years experience with visions, seeing dead people, premonitions that I have found through empirical experience (aka being wrong) that real visions don't necessarily mean anything. I tell all my clients, a psychic prediction or premonition is only as good as its proof. You can't know if you are seeing a good psychic until time passes and their predictions come to pass. I try to get people to look at how they can create their own futures instead of just sitting around expecting one to happen.

Again, I am not suggesting that you are doing this. I am only saying that before you can really determine what it was, you need to find out more.

There is another strange thing that sometimes happens to people, wherein spacetime shifts and you can perceived different realties at once. I have had this happen where I think I am getting a premonition about one thing, only to later find out it was about something else. For example, once before a major earthquake I had this premonition and all I could say was that something so deep was about to take place that it would be like the shifting of tectonic plates. I honestly thought something was about to happen to me personally that would be some kind of huge change. Later, when the earthquake hit somewhere around northern California, I heard the newscaster talk about shifting plates.

So you very well could have witness the car crash. But maybe not. Until you really know, you can only spectulate. But I think mystery is a beautiful thing!
Old 10-01-2006, 07:16 PM
Posts: n/a
This is an interesting thread to me. Having only recently discovered that i am not a crazy person.. well not by any medical terminology anyway! i have been trying to figure out what is going on. I have sussed that i have some psychic and mediumistic abilities, now the issue is sorting out what's what. I have often wondered if what i'm seeing or receiving is just that. I know that the things that are psychic episodes come with emotions. That's just in my relatively brief experience though. It must be different for everyone. I work with a friend and we are completely different in the way we get information so it works well for us. Also until i became a paranormal investigator, i had no idea of how string these abilities were, like you say, it's figuring out what is real and imaginary. Fortunately i have been able to have the information i have given on investigations verified so i kind of learn a lot from that.
I attended a development group at the local spiritualist church but didn't develop at all, unless you count feeling like someone is blowing in your face!
i would believe though that if i had seen that in the car i would be 100% convinced i'd had a psychic impression.
Old 12-01-2006, 10:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Barbara & Sashwah, is it not scary to see People who are no longer of this world, or does it happen as my experience (whatever it was), did, where you just see and accept without questioning at the time.

See, this is not the only experience I've had lately. Strange things, especially to do with lights, noises, music coming on by it'self, small objects suddenly droppin off a shelf happen regularly. This frightens my adult daughter, but I pass it off as dodgy electrics and the heating pipes cooling and such, which I know it's not. Other people have been with me when some of these things occur, and when they question it, again I try and give an explanation they will believe, as I live in an area where anything that is paranormal would be seen as witchcraft, or something evil.

Barbara, do you never get afraid, and do these gifts you have not interfere with everyday life, or can you switch it on and off at will?

I get the feeling that if I wanted to tune in, as it were, I would get some answers, but I'm a bit, or a lot, afraid, so I tend to just ignore these feelings and get busy doing something else. I remember a few weird things when I was a child, but I never told anyone and I must have outgrown that at some stage.

Sashwah, you sound extremely sane to me, certainly compared to some people I know who would consider themselves entirely normal, (whatever normality is).

Thank you both for listening to me,

Old 12-01-2006, 11:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Sounds to me like you have latent psychic abilities Glad... If the goings on are so upsetting to you, tell them how it's making you feel and ask them to stop. It's just someone trying to get your attention. they can see you have the ability, they're attracted to your light. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. If there's a time when you feel their presence say hello. Put the radio on and go about your business!
I don't know about you barbara, but by the time i realise what it was i've seen, the moments past and i dont get too overexcited about it. And then there's the times when i need a change of trousers over absolutely nothing!! It's a bit funny like that!
:roll: :)
Old 13-01-2006, 11:31 AM
Barbara With
Posts: n/a
Scientific view

I started seeing a channel when I was 17 in 1972. I had readings with her for ten years and studied what she said against what really happened. Because the things she said about my emotional state were so accurate, I was pretty sure she would be accurate about predicting the future. But it was only after studying what she said against what happened that I learned to discern between what I had imagined she meant, how I interpreted what she actually said, what I wanted to happen and then what actually transpired.

As far as talking to dead people, so many other people have been parties to my experiences that it was easier to gauge. For example, the ghost that showed up at my wedding, who three days later was revealed to be the father of the woman we happened to be seated with at the breakfast table at the B&B on our honeymoon was able to be corroborated right then and there (she had been married on the same night I was). Like you said, Sashwah, because I can do this and am so open to do it (and quite probably pretty confident at it) Bob the dad showed up at my wedding apparently knowing something we didn't know (like that his daughter and I would be headed to the same B&B even though we had not yet decided where to stay that night).

When I first started being able to talk to dead people, as well as people in comas and other spirits, it was overwhelming at times. I did not know how to control the flow of information. But then again, I was a fairly co-dependent personality. As I healed myself through the information I was receiving in my work (I was given what was called "step by step instructions for world peace one person at a time starting with me), I soon realized that the world of spirit was not much different in many ways than the physical world of humans. I learned that privacy means me not listening into everything being said in spirit. Now, when a spirit comes knocking (sometimes literally) I can make discerned decisions about what to do with the information.

Glad, it's just important as you develop this ability to do to practically, without just assuming. I have heard so much drivel from people who claim to be psychic, exclaiming this truth and that truth without really testing or getting out of their head about it. It would really really help if you could get a mentor for your talent. I think its the only good solid way to develop.

My current project is a series of channeled interviews with Albert Einstein. Some of the information is too scientifically advanced to understand so I am seeking out a quantum physicist to help me determine if indeed this could be Einstein. I believe with all my heart it is, and I feel he has been working with me all my life, but until I can get some validation, I have decided to call the book, "Imagining Einstein" and couch it as that. In the end it makes no difference, as long as I am working to find some grounded input on it.

Glad do you live in England?
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