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Old 21-10-2006, 12:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Color Empath queries...please help

Hello everyone,

I am new to this site and it's been recently made aware to me that I am an empath-I've had a lot of what empaths have for years.

I would like to know what I can do to further develop my empath abilities.

Also sometimes when I'm with those close to me like friends I get some vibes and signals off of them and these vibes are really clear , eg, "he has a problem with getting people to accept who he is" and these vibes are really strong as if something has pin-pointed a friends problem directly to me, but I would like to know is this really true?

And this doesn't happen when I'm with that specific person, rather I could be cooking myself dinner and thinking of say which film I want to watch and suddenly this voice in my head declares it outright and out of the blue.

I mean if I feel something so strongly then does that mean that I can specifically pin-point someone elses problems?

I know how to seperate my feeling from those of others so I know that it's not my problems that I'm sensing, and I know this because the problems that I pick up from people aren't the same as the issues that I have.

Of course I don't tell the person but I was wondering if any of you has had something like this and what did you do about it?

Please advise me on this
Old 21-10-2006, 05:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Hag wrapped in plastic cheddar cheese

You may be a good counsellor or therapist.

I have pretty good empathic abilities, though I wouldn't label myself an 'empath' I can be very clear on issues of other people.

Old 21-10-2006, 08:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Greeetings from a fellow empath

You might find a few hints & suggestions amongst this thread:


In all honesty, I've known I'm an empath for quite a while now, but I'm still finding out about how it all works, and how I can develop it more to my advantage - so if you find anything out yourself, would you let me know please? I have suffered from the downsides of this ability most of my life though. How confusing is it when someone constantly acts like the life & soul of a party, yet you can pick up on heavy negatives that are going on with that person underneath the 'act' thy're putting on? Made me want to run away from people & hide from this crazy world! There's some good tips on how to help with this aspect on the above link.

Sometimes you just know things about someone or thing, without being able to pinpoint exactly how you know, or where it's come from. I also have the added problem of trying to articulate what I know....it's very frustrating at times!

One thing I will say to you though, is I think you're clear and out-of-the -blue thoughts about people are a form of mediumship called clairsentience/cognizance. It's how I communicate with spirit mostly, too. Try doing a google search for starters. You hear spirit communication as your own inner voice inside you're head - but you start to realise they're not your normal run of the mill type thoughts. The more you trust what you're getting, the better you'll become, but it sounds like you're going great guns already!

Try your hand at psychometry too - someone told me I'd be a natural at this because of my empathic/clairsentience abilites - and how right they were! If you don't know already, make sure you learn how to open up, ground & close down properly before you attempt this.

Good luck!
Old 22-10-2006, 02:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Hello Jayce

Thank you for your information.

I've been an empath as far back as I can remember...

I've also looked up clairsentience and have a lot of what is described.

I also feel vibes or energies from buildings, places and objects. I see people on the streets during daylight that are not actually people but something else.

I can look at a person and I don't see them but something like an animal, I look into some peoples eyes and feel horror or fear.

I feel as if something is brushing/caressing/holding me when nobody is there.

I think that I need to learn how to ground and open up though.

Thanks again, good to know that there are others out there like you and can understand where you're coming from.

When I get to understand my emphatic skills I will research my other abilities:)
Old 24-10-2006, 04:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi, lovely to hear youve had one of your questions answered.

I recommend meditation to further develop your abilities, as this brings you closer to the astral realm/spirit.

It's also a good idea to just practise, as this will also encourage development.

Your abilities also develop during your sleep.

hope it helps a little xxx
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