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Old 07-02-2024, 02:09 AM
twinflamenonsense1991 twinflamenonsense1991 is offline
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Being Phsyically "Led"

who here is literally being led by "IT" by some "superior" power? -- literally some force taking you over and walking you to different places (mostly, seemingly, for "ego deaths"), tripping over things, running into things, walking into incoming traffic, nearly dying...trust falls onto the ground being a big one (Drake Carr of TFT alluded to this one)? I met another TF in the hospital who was going through this madness and her parents wanted her admitted to a mental institution. "My" "twin" and me when through similar things. I don't understand why most of these really horrendous parts of this "journey" aren't talked about, they seem to be constantly "swept under the rug" --- it reminds me very much of how a cult operates. Many things about this remind me of how a cult operates.

I'm interested in why this is and what your guys' thoughts are about it.
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Old 08-02-2024, 01:36 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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from what i gather it is a normal meditative state to sometimes go through periods where one isn't doing anything much themselves, and then feel like one is being moved around by some other force/being. This in ancient times might also have something to do with the problem of demonic possession....

I think some eastern traditions must encompass that in teachings masters pass on to their students....

outside the confines of such society has no use for people who have to deal with this so there is a lot of name calling by the learned, and no guidance about how to deal with it other than to throw in drugs and various types of constraints.... One sorta has to learn the ropes as best as one can on their own... which inasmuch as I hate not being told what is what I've come to really be glad that I get to make up my own mind about things sometimes now, instead of having to buy into whatever my favorite group-think is as some 'one true inviolable answer'.

in the context of twins, well married couples have this thing where the male picks up the female and carries her a ways? So they don't have to move themselves for a time? Sometimes I amuse myself that maybe being moved about is something like that...

of course i don't know that any of the above is true. But it is the kind of thing I think of to comfort myself in various situations when i feel abandoned....
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