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17-07-2024, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Originally Posted by Redchic12
Aww that was so sad Bartholomew.
Really looking forward to the next story.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
In my experience the best stories come from those little moments when we shift consciousness to the spiritual worlds. In this state we are open to all sorts of things, the thoughts of others, memories, predictions, fears, hopes in progress and even those little fleeting windows through which, for an instant, we can see far away.... The truth of this is in the fact that if we don't write the idea down we will forget it. This is my test of truth....
Story suggestions are always welcome...

19-07-2024, 07:08 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part 13 Shadow of The Fourth
The Lady, the First Angel of our story is one of those who are given to know the mind of God as it pertains to the area, rather the system, in which they are assigned. Because she is here, working within our solar system we are told now that she is privy to the plans of our solar God and that she bears certain responsibilities in this regard.
We are told that deity expresses and through this activity finds fulfillment in the form of expansion. This is both a literal and a very subjective statement. Literal because if we look only at the star and it’s orbiting disciples (planets) we easily find the engines of change at work. We have a word for what we observe. It is “evolution”. The word itself is best described when we link it’s dynamic to the will as it can be known by us, of God. In these areas of concern none among us is more capable than our Lady, the First Angel.
With this statement our story resumes...
The Garden
It seemed so long a time but we had learned to disregard the passage of time as it is known in the lower, the physical, realms. Here reference is made to the solid, the liquid and the gaseous which generalize the physical. Our minds, however, are not so constructed. Their perceptions may include more. In our case has it really been so long ago or should we add to this question the aspect of consciousness. We sit now on the familiar lawn in the garden and wonder. As before all is quiet, serene and lacking in any hint of some unsure quality which may lay lurking just out of sight. Yet… we wonder.
Casting our eyes about us and searching too with our minds we discover the Earth below is now missing. In it’s place is another. But why? At this point we remember that we had been absent for a very long time. It was the ethereal of the earlier Earth that we moved about it…. Now? But the garden seemed the same nonetheless. Perhaps if we begin at the beginning?
In our midst stood the Lady, our guide, friend, companion and mentor. Near us on the lawn way the familiar carpet, our magical conveyance with it’s (now) somewhat subdued glowing as though alive of itself. It’s small size belying the ability to grow with need to accommodate any number of passengers. Now the Lady, seeing our return to normal composure steps forward and meets each of us, eye to eye, mind to mind and hearts as well. Thus joined she begins.
“The time of the Earth has changed much since we first met. You are many of the same souls that were known to each other then. Tholomo of the travelers is yet among us, his journey here not yet ended. The others, those who had migrated here from so far away, those who, moving about the world below, became immersed with the peoples, the early ones, of this planet. To them gods you yet remain. Do we remember?”
We arrived so long ago. From our first location in the high mountains (the Andes) which so reminded us of the homes that we had left (the rocky planet Aryana). Our meetings, decisions, activities. Finally the real beginning then. The establishment of the five cities which would serve as the basis for the uplifting of those Earth evolved human beings who we were to raise up, quicken, teach and lead to their own futures.
Although we were flesh and sinew, mortal, we, to the Earth peoples, were the gods of their times. Those which had come form the heavens to teach. Our names? We were Tea-Adamu the first man whose responsibilities included the dry lands of the east. His memories remain yet in ancient writings. We were the Sea King, Set-Tholomo, he whose peoples sundered following the great upheaval. Look to the northern lands and to the newly reshaped Egypt now with the great river that had changed it’s course from the Atlantic to the inland sea. The future here would be remembered long after we who guided had been forgotten except in tales of great ones who came from the sky… and the sea. Our kind were, too, transplanted to the northern lands and to the east. Some too, could be found in the greater Northern (American) continent. They prospered as did their legends. Of his number was the teacher (priest) Adamis of the Atlans peoples. He remains active even today…. Do we remember the Protector/Guide, Te-Balda and his consort, Mother Guide, At Gangal whose efforts in the lands that would later become the high mountains of (present day) Tibet? She traced the newly formed river south and named the lands which would become India, giving them her blessings. Her legends are gone now except in the records safeguarded, held sacred. And the footsteps of the great one, master to the eastern lands (China), Pa-Hsieu, the bringer of knowledge. Lastly was, and is, myself, Tholomo who, having had reign in many lands decided in the later times before the great flood, to remain in the northern lands where the old ones would soon be joined in the post flood years, by others. This was later called North America although in those distant times it was divided by an inland sea and to the south… water roads only to those other lands which would remain unknown.
And there were others such as the migrating sea folk whose traditions had been disrupted by and after the flood traveled east towards the sun… there finding a new land (South America) across the mountains… they remained but not forgotten they were visited in each season of their lives and so found strength, endurance.
Does the reader remember? All have joined in that effort which saw so many changes but only one that was of any importance. The people without whom purpose would have been lacking. And where are all these now? Many have moved to other worlds to continue their quests, personal paths to other futures. Some grew at a faster pace and are with us today. These who have gained wisdom will be the leaders of the next round (more of this later). And some sleep. These last souls are cared for in their own heavenly partition near to us yet distant. Here they will experience a parallel to the Earth’s interlude before reappearing in a new physical world. Of them the next tales will someday be written. Someday long from now…
As we remained gathered together on the lawn in the garden we saw the whole of the history of the Earth to this time and now… we watch as the Lady bids us join her on the carpet for another flight of discovery. Silently, for what is to be said after all, we move towards the carpet, finding our places. In a moment the all too familiar sensation of some energy source nearby is felt again. We are raised up and turning to our left race at a pace so great that in an instant the garden landscape has vanished. And now we are in a sea of thick clouds. They seem as clouds in any case. Fear? We know none. We have long progressed beyond the point where the lower emotions rule. We wait…
We slow now and as we watch in the direction indicated by the Lady whose arm is raised, pointing ahead, and landscape of fire and turmoil appears.
The Lady guides and we know. In our minds instant understanding of the methods of the planet where natural cycles so necessarily complement the spiritual seem now to be so clear, even welcome to us. We watch. The seas and the lands both are in motion. An exchange between the deep places and the surface regions, ever in motion now, quicken their pace. This is, or was, our home. Many of us remember the mountains and the lands of our first encounter. Others of us saw the slow adaptations which re-directed rivers restoring to the land the bounties which would afford a people the prosperity which would be needed to survive and grow. But now it seems to be lost. But it is not in fact. The Lady speaks again.
“You are shown the Earth as it might be were it not for the continual guidance of “the Father spirit” which some have called our God. We will leave this place now and journey one last time before the new beginning arrives. We will, together, all of us, go now to the systemic center, the star within which our destiny waits to be known (to us). And with this statement we feel the tremendous acceleration again. In the distance and ahead is a great spiritual Light. It grows nearer.
The Light of the Father
The single most important of those things which might be said about deity and it’s environment is this. As we understand the concept or from our common point of view, divisiveness is non-existent. The “oneness” of expression is the definitive singularity. To say that “God is One” is a statement originally meant by philosophers to mean just that. For this reason it is not possible for we humans, as we are created and before we reach lower plane perfection, to approach, or even to attain the barest minimal level of understanding of what God really is. For this reason too, God has never interacted directly with any human being. It has always been through the intercession of spiritual subordinates. This is also true of the methods used by deity to develop created worlds; to manage them with certain goals in mind. With this understanding we now return to our narrative.
As we speed through the heavens watching horizons change to curving barriers caused by the need for us to adapt, not to distance, but to continually enhanced levels of consciousness. We are not nearing the physical star, our sun, nor are we concerned with it as a source of usual levels of energy. We, in our increasingly refined spiritual bodies now, gathered close in the aura of the great one, the messenger guide, the Lady who we know so well, are about to leave behind the higher of the systemic heavens and cross the threshold, in a virtual sense at least, into the otherwise unknowable landscapes which are home to that which can only be described as pure “mind”. This, on a smaller, localized scale, have achieved. Here is what we found.
As we journeyed we, within the aura of the great one, our guide, we had been transformed and now were able to understand so much more than we had. Our measure of consciousness had been increased 1,000 fold at least. We no longer were in ethereal bodies but had ascended, risen up towards the Mental plane and beyond. Towards the Atmic and Buddhic and beyond. We found ourselves now in that plane which is the highest of the Earth system. Commonly known or referred to as being the Divine because of it’s resonance with the God of our star, our Logos, whose imprimatur stood behind all things great and small. We had arrived in the center, the land of the Light of the Father.
From a source which defies further description we are given to “see”. Through the body of our protector, the Lady we seem to both feel and know at once. But the idea of the two being in any way separated spatially or by some form of time is wrong. Here… we discover, just for a moment or two, the true (from our lower perspective) the meaning of the idea of oneness. Even the idea of being in some place has been taken from us. The only word that serves now is transcendent, formless, timeless… being. The only dynamic possible here is the Will, the immutable, unchanging Will of deity. More than this is not possible to discern. We are now without form unless it be measured or defined by our minds. Here, in the home world of God, there is but one impulse and that is the unending presence of the Will of God. There is no other. Have I said this already? No matter.
The Lady now seems to have stopped and we can no longer see our selves nor the carpet upon which we traveled. Our sensory organs, even those possessed by our spiritual bodies, are rendered quiet, still, motionless and without meaning. Our only concept now is the Will…. The Lady of course understands this and is able to translate for our benefit the information which is about to be given us. And we, being now a part of her, listen as, in some timeless way, the story of the world was impressed upon us.
A slowing is felt or so it seemed but a change now. We sense a change and in a moment we knew that we had left the presence. Now as the more ordinary passage of time with it’s moving reference points returning we looked to the Lady for some explanation. Again she speaks to us as she had so many times before. “You have been visiting the high spiritual center of our star in it’s high spiritual body. The aura of the great one encompasses the entirety of the solar system and it’s lower, created spiritual planes. For a moment, though it was in truth timeless, you found the Will, the motivater, the cause of causes. The creator, the Father. Sleep now and rest as we travel at a slower pace back to the Earth and there we will begin a new lesson which will help to prepare you for what is to come. At this the Lady returns to silence and we, sensing the carpet again beneath us, sleep the sleep of those few who had sought and were rewarded… vision, wisdom. And with this we realize that we have been given the greatness of vision but in a form which had yet to be brought “down” for our understanding. What we learned while with the Father will be told in the next part.
Note: And why is this part titled The Shadow of The Fourth? As will be apparent soon the Earth has known several periods wherein humanity has appeared, struggled and then left. This, no doubt, provides a certain economy of resources. As one might suspect this method allows a much greater number of souls the opportunities available on the Earth. In this Part 13 we are traveling with our friends in the period at the close of the fourth “round” of mankind. Towards the end of our story we will witness the appearance of the Fifth “round” of humanity.
In the next part we will watch as the Earth takes shape below us, as it was formed so very long ago. As we witness the creative processes now so shall we command them later.
Part 14 will be called In The Beginning
to be continued.
Last edited by bartholomew : 20-07-2024 at 04:29 AM.

03-09-2024, 03:48 AM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part 14 In The Beginning
The Lady of our story now turns towards us, the readers. As we notice the difference in the feelings of the moment seem to change, shifting upwards to some higher place, she smiles and begins to speak, mind to mind, to us. “It has been a very long time for us all and what is revealed in this story is truth but it is not some distant or incomprehensible quantity that describes the adventures of others. It is for you all, for us.
“Omnes unum sumus”
As you read these words is is well and good for us all to know that there is little difference between what we call the physical and the spiritual. We, all of us, live in them all simultaneously. This is demonstrated by the presence of our functioning vortexes, our chakras. Through them we live in emotional and mental, high and lower, mind and through them too, we are occasionally connected to those higher that our cousins in the animal kingdom have not yet attained. It has been given that we, our minds at least, are not directly of God. This is true. They are a function of the created worlds only. But we may know that we are, each of us and, in fact, every bit of created substance in existence like unto the Father through our consciousness. To the degree that we are thus aware we may measure our closeness to God.” And as we listen further we come to other realizations.
We are all here in the created worlds but, as we know, the uncreated, the realm of God, precedes/supersedes these. Ours, be if lower spiritual or physical, is a time based existence. In the higher, the so called divine where God rules this is not true. God is immaterial, non-dimensional, timeless. To God all is in the present. (I am) This differential is the source of great difficulty for us.
Our minds are not of God but like our bodies and souls are products of the created worlds of both lower spiritual and physical. They exist within strict perceptual limits. When we think of “eternal” or “eternity” we tend to conclude that this phenomena is one of some endless progression of time. But we err greatly when we think this. It is not. The concept of “eternity” simply refers to a landscape in which there is no time at all, no dimension, no boundaries, no velocity, timeless. A “land” in which there is naught but “now”.
Note: This fact is the reasoning behind the age old question that so many pose. “If God has given us freedom of choice but if God already knows how we will chose in advance…” How is this seeming conflict of ideas possible? It is, simply because of timelessness. We make our choices in our realm. God knows in His. This is the answer but to some it will seem inadequate. This conflict is caused by the fact that our reasoning power itself is “created”. We do not nor can we, think as God thinks. There is too great a “distance” between us.
How can any of us, this author included, write a narrative which describes the indescribable? How can we consider events in an existence where there are no time related boundaries? It is not possible for us to be so endowed, even for a short time. It is nearly impossible and can only be done if we, for a time, set aside the question of time vs timelessness and proceed in the usual, rational, way.
Can we consider the above now as we continue with our story? In it we find the great angel who we will later call “The Lady” with her companion angels as they are called to God’s presence for a new “assignment”.
The (un-created) Center
Our guide, the Lady has arrived and joined her companions in the presence of their Father creator. If we could see into this picture we might behold a shimmering, almost liqueous form, made or contrived by us, for us. This would be caused by and within our minds only though. It would not otherwise be perceivable. But in the minds of the high angels? To describe the methods of their perception is too great a task. Suffice to say here that that which we “see” is the (translated) reality which is also presented to them.
Now, across the boundaries and into our present we suddenly find ourselves in the familiar setting of the Earth’s Astral plane garden. As we wonder we are given to realize by the Lady that it is our spiritual selves now, our souls which are of a higher stuff, and not our ethereal bodies that give us form. Yes. Here we can find comfort. The Lady, in her usual voiceless way, speaks to us once again.
“As we are gathered here now let us project ourselves to the highest of the planes, that were God, the Father/creator is found.” As we watch now, from a distance and through the agency of the greater mind of she who guides, we are in the presence of God. Finding our reactions satisfactory she continues. “From our perspective this was long ago but in this recollection it will seem like the present. You will find yourselves able to follow now.”
The group of angels has been called to God the Creator for the specific purpose which is to receive new assignments related to the creation of a new solar system which will, in time, be home to a group of yet to be born human souls. This is not unusual for them as it is the reason for their existence, their purpose after all. It is the great ones, the angels on high which are the agents of God’s expressiveness. But this occasion is different because we are, through the link provided by the Lady, present in that meeting. It continues.
Into our presence comes another one. A great soul who, in eras untold, has also achieved that wisdom which enables. To this one the greatest measure of trust has been bestowed. This soul, which began as we all do as a babe in the lower spiritual houses, is now about to be given the responsibility of godliness. This one is to be anointed “divine” and will be embodied (in the lower created realms) the status of God. A new solar system will be “his” domain. It, in it’s entirety, will be “His” body of expression. The sun at it’s (Divine) center will be the focal point of his domain. Within and throughout “His” realm the company of angels, led by the great one (our Lady friend) will find their new responsibilities. As this is pronounced it begins!
Our star will be known as the body of God, our Lord and Creator. Our planet will be known by us as that land given us by the Father, in which to abide and prosper. In story form this will be told in accordance with the cultures of those who listen. It is the truth behind the tale, as we know, that carries the weight of truth after all… And so our home is now beginning to take form. Watch as the first of many mighty events takes place.
The star, our star which we will someday call Sol and within which we will, many of us, find the presence of our God, is yet in it’s infancy. It is spinning but unbalanced. As it’s mass increases so does the rate of rotation. This, since it exists in the lower, the created spiritual and the physical, has certain effects. The Lady bids us watch now as the first of these takes place.
“Watch now and witness the formation of the first of the great planets of this new system.” We, still seeming to be resting in the familiar garden setting, sit enthralled beyond measure. Never before had we dreamed of such things yet here we were. The Lady, generous as always, smiles as she recognizes our sentiments and continues. “Watch the star now as it rotates so fast that parts of it’s mass begin to form bulges on two opposing sides of it’s sphere. We watch and it is true. The globe of the sun is now shaped like an oblong rather than as a sphere. There appear two bulges on opposing sides of the star. And soon, as we watch these two bulges break free of their bonds and on fire still, spin out and away from the body of the star. In quick motion now, we see the events of hundreds of millions of Earth years as though they were but a few moments. Yes. The Lady watches us still. The visual now continues and we see that these two masses of fire have moved outward from the center and have taken positions of balance, now to rest for a time. We are given to understand that these two will, much later, be the planets Jupiter and Saturn. We have seen their birthing and are given to know that as all is with purpose and that we are not in any way separated from this, our new home star system, it is ours to found. We know also through this presentation, the Lady is telling or reminding us, that as we witness the advent of a new great spirit god that we are seeing far into the distant future as well. This series of events shaped our lower plane beginnings.
Pertaining to The Garden
Has the reader wondered about our familiar Astral plane garden and the other one found in so many of Earth religious scriptures? Could there be some connection or is it just a coincidence? The answer is “Yes. They are the same.” Each planet that is home to human souls, regardless of forms, has in it’s Astral plane such a garden, a place of both beginnings and of refuge. To here we may always be assured of a welcome.
Here the Lady speaks again to we, the readers. “Concerning our souls and their origins. Do we remember that it was said that as we mature we leave behind our individual selves and form new identities as groups? This process continues. As we raise up in the spiritual worlds we join yet higher groups but, curiously enough, each of these does have a singular identity. On these high levels a single is a composite of the many. This is the reasoning behind the title “great one” that we sometimes here. And now we can witness the process of soul birthing.
On the highest of our Earth planes, just subordinate to the deity there does exist the great soul which serves as the surrogate for God. From the celestial body of this unknowable one our souls are birthed. In their beginnings of existence we are infant souls of this parent. This is one of the reasons for the existence of the garden. Here the new souls are allowed to adjust to their new environments, to learn the methods and mysteries of the world below, that which will be their homes for the long cycle of lives which lays ahead of them.” And at this the Lady continues in her familiar way of speaking directly to our minds.
The history of our garden is a story unto itself that will not be spoken of in detail here. Suffice to say that when the first human souls were born to our world they resided on their own sub-plane of the Earth’s Mental plane. Here they were cared for until the time before they began to incarnate on the lower world. For a time, in preparation for what, for them, would be a new experience, they were moved to the mid-Astral plane and abided in a special location where they would have an introduction to the world which awaited them. This was our garden but as it was then. It was a place where new souls would learn… nothing more. Following this interim period they would then, still in their spiritual (Mental matter) bodies descend to waiting wombs below. This is where the story must end though. They were born to certain non-human forms that were considered adequate to the desired end. From that point onward they grew at a rapid pace… That story will be continued later.
Here let it be noted however that the truth of our beginnings is remembered in legends which after many changes, became religious scriptures. The details of this series of stories is of no consequence except to those who yearn for literal truths.
When we think of our garden we may be sure that we are remembering those ancient times through our innate connections to the Hall of Memories which really does exist (in the high Astral plane.
“Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.”
“That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.”
From an eighth century Arabic text “The Emerald Tablet”, and other sources too. Or more commonly: As_above,_so_below
Note: It is also of interest to note the Magician of the Tarot. Here, much awaits the inquiring student.
We suddenly realize that it is also our destinies that are being shown us. Again the Lady smiles as she embraces us all in greater measures of Her Light. And now we seem to sleep, for a time.
As we awaken we find that time has passed and that now we are seeing our Earth as it was so very long ago. Again we wonder how, as we gaze upon the stars above and around that it could be so foreign yet familiar. Later we would find that this was because the spiritual qualities of the new planet had already been formed. These, we recognized innately and we knew…. We knew.
And now the story continues.
The Lady, our guide, again shows us the early solar system. We see that in the earliest times there was but the sun with the two gaseous giants in attendance. As we watch further we see the changes which resulted in further actions related to, caused by the dynamic of the gravitational interactions, balances, of the whole. We see that, upon certain times these two, as did their parent, eject lesser amounts which, because of their lower mass, were to cool and harden earlier. These became the present day rocky planets including those which later birthed the broken one, that which we call the asteroid belt. And the Earth? It was yet very hot. Within it’s sphere the convection currents caused the separation of the elements which would later become the two cores and the rocky crust. We saw, too, that, like our sun, the Earth in it’s molten state, developed a bulge which would grow so large that, for a time, it seemed it were two planets instead of one. Then… the lesser of these two broke free and moved outward until it found stability. This was our moon in it’s formation. It is of the Earth after all.
Still later we watched as these released great volumes of hydrogen which, when oxidized through the interplay of the large amounts of iron within, resulted in water, although in it’s early days these were acidic. And now as we watched we saw our Earth as a water world, oft greenish in hue, warm yet and without life. At this the Lady corrects our thoughts. “The Earth, your world, is now without biological life but to say there is no life at all is incorrect. All is alive in the spiritual existence. Once created matter, including your souls, can only progress and grow but never diminish.” And again we knew…
Note: Our moon is of the Earth. Due to the centrifugal forces resulting from it’s rotation, like with the sun, two bulges were apparent. One of these, the lesser of the two, slowly separated and moved away. This mass became our moon. It is yet synchronized with the Earth and this is the reason it remains in it’s orbital harmony with one side always facing us only. In it’s beginning it was very close. It moves outward in it’s orbit even now and will continue to do so until the eventual point of balance is reached.
As we return to the garden.
We who know each other so well, now situated in our garden, listen, the Lady continues with her teaching. “Thus far you have been shown in both narrative and visuals, the events which began with the decision of deity to begin a new system, an expansion, of the human experience in our galaxy. In this the role of the angels was and remains the management of the creative process during the beginning and continuing of it’s evolutionary phase. More specifically it was the angels who called to this system the first of the worker spirits, those whose joy it always is to make manifest on the lower spiritual and the physical those directives received. In those days of the beginning it was the angels who ordered the changes and it was the workers who, using their unique ability to create on the ethereal, who were responsible for the results.
The Lady speaks to us again. “Our world has not changed much in this regard as you may know. The workers are still here, still busy, active unceasingly. It is they who are given an image of what is desired. It is they who shape Earthly forms in all of the kingdoms. These often called elementals or other names have a great love for we humans in particular. They are known to sometimes form associations with those of us who have the ability to see them. These few of us are privy to these seldom spoken of Earthly mechanisms. Indeed if we were to call them Mother Nature we would not be wide of the mark. We do know them and their work well.” At this point the Lady bids us sleep again, rest.
The next part in our story will be concerning the activities of our angelic friends who, long, long ago, began the development of the Earth’s heavens. These would be of vital importance later when biological life appeared and most of all for the support of the human souls that would follow.
We will also read of the origins of our so familiar garden placed for us in the mid-range of the Earth’s astral plane. In it we will find the first two human souls incarnate. The advent of humanity on Earth. It is hoped that the readers will find this topic to be of special interest.
Part 15 will be called: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow...
To be continued...

27-10-2024, 01:02 AM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part Fifteen... Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Some time ago Albert Einstein sought a “unified field” from which all else in science could be derived in an elegant, incontrovertible way. His particular interest was the reconciliation of the seeming discrepancies noted in his previous work. There was something else that… remained elusive.
In our story we have touched somewhat on two areas of existence, the created and the un-created, which sourced it all. Of the nature of God we can say naught for we are not equipped for such understandings. We may say with relative certainty, however, that The body of God may be known through the sum total of both the un-created and the created, that it is the mighty mind of God that drives these machines of expression. We then may surmise, correctly, that we move, live and have our being within and supported by the Will of God. But is there a single quantity, quality upon which all else is based? Yes. This, too, we have learned. In fact it was a purpose of the work of the great soul, the Lady, to bring to us this idea. We may say that it is a Divine principle because it permeates all, in every realm.
Philosophers have long pondered the nature of God. They cared not for the religious portraits but that one which exists above and beyond such Earthly constructs. While they did discover the answer though few of them appreciated it for what it truly was. When we think of God, the supreme being, the creator…. When we contemplate the nature of this unknowable power we come closest to it’s essential nature when we surmise that the single quality which ore-exists and encompasses all is “consciousness”. This is the true elemental nature of deity. And, as God expresses through expansion we who seek confirmations need only look within ourselves. As we work to grow nearer to God we find that our consciousness has expanded. Is this not sufficient proof?
Again because of it’s importance…. Consciousness is not something that results from a certain set of conditions. It is the Divine Principle within which all else exists.
Here the Lady, who presented this preface of our story to us, directly to us, the readers, pauses and waits. She waits for us to respond. She smiles in appreciation of our thoughts, our willingness to accept.
In the Garden:
We are all gathered once more on the lawn in our familiar Garden which is in a certain part of the Earth’s higher Astral plane. Now the travelers are here, we who have long been visiting this place and also, perhaps for the first time, those other human souls who have been reading our story. As we wait we note, as usual, that our sense of the flow of time is slower now and that we seem to understand to see more clearly and sometimes even before we knew what we were considering. Thus is the nature of that which the great ones know as “the velocity of consciousness”. It is a phrase that describes (poorly) our recognition of that which, otherwise, might elude our understanding. Now the Lady speaks again.
“In our journeys we have, in truth, been moving about within the field of consciousness. As we left one partition of a certain “density”, entering another (above) it did we note the way we reacted by suddenly feeling as though we were more aware? Do you see? This was not due to mere movement through space. It was the seldom mentioned aspect of what is commonly referred to as “ascension” that we have experienced. As we leave the lower plane Earth behind and rise up through the heavens it is because we are becoming more conscious that we seem to be in the higher realms. Do you see?” The Lady pauses again at this point and waits. Yes. It is so simple. Why did we not see it before? The answer has always been so near to us, so close.
The Lady: “Consciousness is not a mere attribute which exists in some secondary function. No. Consciousness is the field in which all else takes form. It is that godly quality without which all else, including Deity itself, would collapse into nothingness. Do you understand? Consciousness is nothing less than God’s divine aura. Your degree of consciousness reveals your closeness to the Source.
As our story continues we will, with the Lady’s help examine our world as it was, as it is today and how it may be in the future.
The Lady again addresses us. “Since the lower spiritual and the physical worlds not only sourced from but are dependent upon the mid range and higher of the Earth’s heavens to receive their livingness it may be correctly said that they mirror them.” Here, once again, the oft quoted: “as above, so below” phrase is found to be appropriate. She continues: “It is also true that everything in nature is cyclic. This is not by chance. The reason is simply that periods of activity punctuated by other times of rest allow the occasional evolutionary jumps that have been proved so effective.”
We are all sitting at our ease again in the garden. As always in the distance near to the edge of the forest are likewise at their ease, our animal companions (or counterparts one might say). They do not understand her words but they know of her stature and are held in awe. What transpires here is not only about humanity but the other kingdoms in nature too. We are all truly one.
Again the Lady bids us listen: “Close your eyes now and we will travel once again to the earliest times.” And in a moment we again see our planet as it was so long ago. Form, yes but unrecognizable to us. Where were the oceans and great landmasses? Still below, sleeping we are given to understand. And then in an instant there they were. The great seas surrounding a single tremendous land mass upon which grew all sorts of plants. These… given to the Earth to produce the Oxygen that the animals would need to survive. In quick motion now we see the Earth changes and then…. The first human souls took form. The heavens, unseen to us had also been busy for they are the home to all souls that live upon the Earth. Cyclic. Even as the lowest insect is form to a soul of the heavens so are the higher and we too. All biological life on this world begins, is born to the heavens first and then in it’s own time, descends to begin the journey. And as we remember these lessons the Lady again impresses us with her reasoning. “What you have learned is essential in the lives of the created universes. What we know to be true here is that which is also on other distant worlds.” She continues:
“We will speak now of humanity. Human souls have made this place their home many times in the past. These, even before they appeared as we are now. In earlier times there were other animal forms that were deemed adequate to be used by the human souls who, then, were in their infancy, but ready to begin. Even before the age of the mammals this did occur. Of these earliest we will say naught lest we forget our time of the world now. Know that souls have come and gone in great cycles though. Cycles that some call rounds. In these or within these confines the earliest opportunities to learn were afforded. Each period was ordained to last a set number of years during which the souls would, in their own realms above, grow and develop. And in each of these cyclic appearances the forms were more capable. In the last of these we souls began with the forms that are thought to be the apex of Earthly evolution, the human beings. But this, too, while true, is an incomplete statement. Later, in the next round of experience our bodies will have changed dramatically. These changes, again, suit the growing needs of the souls who use them. And remember too that in everything the growth of consciousness is the element which never abates.”
Here the Lady pauses again as we shift about. Some of us are a bit unsettled. Is this too much, all at once? Have we just been told that we are not, in fact, the pinnacle of creation? The answer that is impressed upon us is both yes and no. In our times… yes. In the future… no. Each of the cycles finds human souls more developed thus needing different forms in which to incarnate.
Again the Lady impresses upon us some further thoughts. As we close our eyes we again visualize the Earth as a single entity so dependent on our star and the great one whose body of expression encompasses the entire solar system. We watch and understand that each of the great rounds of experience ends with a series of events which transforms the lands. The elder vanishes, often in an instant, to be replaced by new beginnings. But the intervals which have been as long as 50 million years, are needed to reshape and produce the animal forms that will be used by the next generations of humanity. She speaks aloud to us: “In your tales one of these was revealed to you. The stories of the flood which are known throughout the world. We know also about the land changes, the shifting of positions on the globe as lands too, are recycled in preparation. But know that in those stories we learn only about a lesser of the events that reshaped the world. They were caused by the ending of the age of the ices which held the balance for so long. Then when they melted and rejoined the ocean basins the planet found herself out of balance. The great movements of readjustment were the real cause of the events we read about in tales that we think so ancient but that others who watch the Earth consider so recent.”
In the above we are reminded of the cyclic nature of the created universes. We find this dynamic more than interesting. It is essential. The Lady gives us a further explanation via our minds: “A series of sudden changes accompanied by new beginnings is a method which allows for faster, more efficient evolution for us all. Were this not the case our World would now be only in the second of the great rounds (of evolution). In the times between, during our absence, new animal forms are allowed to quickly appear and develop. This is advantageous to us. It saves many long years of effort by all. Mind you the object is not merely to do things faster. It is to be more efficient.”
Note: Our story is centered around the arrival and subsequent events of a particular group of human beings who came here just recently. Just before the great flood in fact. Here they made new beginnings. From the spiritual standpoint their activities were directed by the great ones who, from far above in our highest heavens, coordinate such things. They foresaw the boosting of the human beings of the new round who had been actively growing on the Earth for several millions of years. By the introduction of the new bloodlines very fast jumps in evolution were made. This was good. We are given to remember too that it was this series of events combined with the later movements of the new hybrid men and women around the lands that gave rise to our present day legends, the stories which found many our religious beliefs. All of the so called pagan and later the Hebrew systems appeared. Still later were more.
This is a brief summary of the times we might now call “yesterday”. If we were capable of fast forwarding, seeing it all in a few moments, we would understand better.
With this the Lady stops and we rouse ourselves. Looking around us we see the familiar garden but now we know that this place is not a mere resting place given us so that we might think ourselves unique in the world. We see that this garden land is the long standing homeland of beginnings for all the souls that have ever been born to the Earth. It was here that souls, coming down from higher realms where forms were less tangible or rather used forms of higher spiritual “matter” incompatible with the Earth below, would see and feel that which lay in wait yet further below. Here, in the garden setting, they would abide for a time while learning. Do we remember the story of the first two? Here they “named all the animals” and from here they left and began living on the Earth below. It was their beginning. It was ours to experience. It is now ours to remember.
In the next segment of part 15 we will briefly examine the present day advent of humanity on Earth. In it we will discover the links between spiritual and material living which have become so very essential.
With this the Lady stops and seems to rest. She lowers her gaze and, as we watch, her light body grows brighter as she rises up to leave us… for a time.
To be continued…

27-10-2024, 04:50 PM
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3,470
Absolutely loved this story Bartholomew.
Thank you so much!

27-10-2024, 06:27 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Originally Posted by Redchic12
Absolutely loved this story Bartholomew.
Thank you so much!
Thanks. It is enjoyable for me to type out too. I find myself receiving impressions far beyond the story context. It's like meeting people unexpectedly from distant places and listening to their tales. And then they vanish.. I make tons of notes. What will be next? When I find out I'll write it. ha ha

19-12-2024, 09:11 AM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part Sixteen Today
The reality of time seems to lessen and fade as our consciousness increases. It is for this reason that they who have attained avoid such pitfalls.
Again in the garden as so many times before we seem to see this place as being that sacred refuge spoken of by the sages of each age. And as we all seem to share this though the Lady appears again. “Now,” she says to us again in that curious unspoken way, “Listen as we speak of today.”
There does exist a curious phenomena, an effect we might call it that accompanies that which moves from higher to lower. This is seen in the movement of souls from the higher of the heavens to the mid ranges or lower and even more so when they continue descending to the physical Earth. It is most important that we understand this because it is a truth which is seldom spoken of. As we draw closer to the Earth when beginning a new lifetime our degree of consciousness is lessened somewhat. This is in accordance with “universal” law. Any variations that occur are due to the earned status of the souls which return. Here is an example:
We humans, at the earlier part of our present round of events knew of the presence of the spiritual worlds, how they related to the lives of men on the Earth below. We wrote of them. But here is what must be said. In the process of translating from higher to lower distortions are introduced. This is mostly due to the human brain which is ill equipped to comprehend satisfactorily. Remember here what has been taught about consciousness and how it is manifest, plane to plane. And so the stories that men write or wrote in the past are always close but with certain errors which the more grown among us will understand to be mere distortions (of truth). This is the reason that to view as literal those things which are written is not the best possible idea. But again, there is great variation in the age of souls upon the Earth. It seems that those who know the least are heard from more often than those who know the most. This is not a criticism but a statement of reality, fact.
Reading the above statement if we realize the fluidity of truth then it is well for us. As true statement which is spoken on the highest spiritual plane surrounding the Earth will change somewhat as it descends level to level until finally when it is perceived by the mind of a man it, in reality, is only a hint of that which an ascended master may claim to be truth.
At this point the Lady pauses. We look up at her. Her eyes, searching seem to ask “do you understand?”. Then she continues as before.
An example of what is said can be seen here: In the story of the garden and of the first two human beings, we are told that they were tempted by a serpent then disobeyed God’s commands and were subsequently “cast out” to live on the Earth in mortal bodies. In truth it was a different story.
The proto human beings, now conscious as souls in the Astral and lower mental planes, were in the garden for the purpose of learning, getting ready to descend and be born in the physical.
Note: Even today the serpent symbolizes the Earth to many indigenous peoples. No doubt this is because his belly, his line of chakras, is throughout it’s length in contact with the ground. This symbology endures.
Did God find them disobedient? No. Did God then cast them out in punishment? No. Did the Dark Lord, in the form of a snake, call to them offering gifts of pleasure? No this did not happen. Here are the beginnings of the trend of many religions to place guilt upon the people. Did they sin and are they be punished? No. Where and when we are was ordained as being necessary. The element of distortion of truths is responsible for the errors. That this is not commonly known is of little importance though. It is essential to remember that at any given time on Earth most human souls are very young. Those who are older know higher truths but remain silent simply because to disclose all would cause disturbances which, in turn, would detract from the business at hand which is the nurturing of humanity so that they may gain wisdom through experience.
In this our religions have and continue to serve us well. This is the single goal that is the focus of the great ones who rule, under God, our world.
At this point, again, the Lady stops and considers our reactions. “Do you remember that it was given to you to understand the effects of transmission, higher planes to lower? It is this effect, not any willful desire of those who speak, that will sometimes cause our consternation.”
And at this point the Lady sums up the idea of “today” by simply stating “What we perceive and call the present (today) only seems a temporary stopping point in the flow of time. The occasional illusion of safety is given us if we can imagine that what has been is history and what will be is not yet written about. This very comfortable niche in the great matrix of time is where we find safety. As we recline in comfort we may look one way and see what had been. As we look to other way we see probabilities. But all that we know is based on this reference, this objective place that we call ““now””.” And with this the Lady grows silent…
Just after the turn of the new year the Lady will return with an offer of a group meditation for everyone. Readers will be invited to join. If they accept they will be welcomed in the garden. From that vantage point we will explore the further meanings of the timelessness that is so often called “now”.
To be continued with a group meditation interlude.

24-12-2024, 11:00 AM
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3,470
Another great read from you. Love your stories.
Keep ‘em coming!

25-12-2024, 04:39 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Originally Posted by Redchic12
Another great read from you. Love your stories.
Keep ‘em coming!
Part 16 might be the close of the story. I really don't know in advance. I don't look too far ahead at all. I trust that the narrative will be guided so I just type.... We shall see what happens.

19-01-2025, 08:37 AM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part Seventeen Today, Continued
In order to better explore “today” we invite the reader to join with us in a meditation guided by our friend, the Lady, the First Angel of the story. Those who prefer may simply read along as usual.
Some of us are here already… waiting. Soon there will be others, more souls rising up from the planet below. Anticipation… As usual we are assembled on the lawn just outside the small building in which, among other things, our library is located. Here…. One may rest and, for a time, be freed from the burdens of Earth living. Those who choose to do so may study… We think of these things as, on the horizon but little higher, a light approaches.
Our friend and guide in so many times, the Lady, has returned. With her this time are our animal friends. The great Indian elephant whose name is Lady Pumpkin. The tall African giraffe whose name is High Bette also. The strong and enduring family suidae, represented by our own whose name is Goodness is also here. From the far north Rudolph… These, our companions represent and tie us all to our Earthly home. Now we wait….
The reader is bid visualize as the story continues.
The path leading to the forest adjacent was known to us. We had been there before. This time we went through the forest directly to the edge of the lake beyond…. And waited. Soon our other friend whose name is Bright could be seen swimming quickly and with purpose in our direction. To the surface and hesitating. “Hello and I am glad you came to see me again” By this time we were used to the non-verbal link to our animal companions. It was no surprise then when it was made known to us that Bright would join us now. With this we continued our walk along the path, back into the forest and away towards the lawn. Soon there appeared a junction, a path that we had never seen before. It led away to our right and seem to climb higher.
It was unusual, this experience I mean, in that we seemed to be more aware than usual, even acutely so, of the passage of time. We now could imagine that we were standing back, aloof in a way but not wholly detached. We were more the observers than the principles in our own story. This though, when shared by the others caused looks of wonder. Yes. Everyone else felt the same way. In spite of our apparent group shifting of consciousness we continued, following the new path, our trek now led upwards, into the distance.
Uphill the path led and towards areas that we had never seen. Now in the distance we could see snowy peaks, the gray stone of ages, solid, unmoving, eternal, anchors holding down our realities less they rise up and are blown away leaving us to float in some unknowable emptiness. Thoughts of anxiety we shared at this but then… The Lady intervened saying “Rest your minds now my friends. We are almost to our destination. Continue… forward…”
After a time which was not possible for us to measure we arrived at a high place where no vegetation was to be seen. Here we stopped. The Lady bid us be seated. We did so. Wait…. Wait. Rest too. Although we did not feel exhausted our Earthly conditioning seemed to suggest that we should and so we thought of catching our breath. At this everyone laughed. No. We’re not below now. We’re here on the mountain top, or close to it at least but our mountain is far above those on the Earth. Much lighter. And as we sat, quietly now, the Lady addressed us once again.
Raising her arm, pointing to the distance away and below us a panorama of the Earth far below appeared and in the skies a sight of wonders. “Rise up now” she said to us, “be ready to greet those others who have joined us in this event”. We looked and then realized that there were hundreds of others, people who we did not know and who we had never seen before, rising up to us. In long lines they moved as we did, without much effort but continuing. So close now that we could see them as individuals. Then we realized that they, too, could see us. Looks of wonder. “have we died and gone to heaven” one said. Another looked at her and thought “No. This is not quite the same.” We rose up and greeted them and now as they all had arrived the many hundreds of us waited, resting.
The Lady spoke again saying “Peace to you all. Look around you and know that you are, for a time, lifted up from the Earth below for a specific reason and that later you will return. It is through your own efforts that you are here, not ours, not mine. As ye work ye shall attain.” The truth of her words seemed now to quiet the throng. They were assured that although an extraordinary one this experience was within the possibility of our ability to accept.
The Lady now rose up to a higher place, her feet no longer supported by the ground below. She had levitated was the word most of us were thinking. Below her feet now was a depiction of the globe of the Earth. Small it was or rather she had grown as though she were a realm queen. This metaphor she allowed us because in a sense it conveyed a higher meaning or correspondence if you like. Even as we all were residents of the Earth and although we seemed to be limited to it’s sphere of influence, there was a larger world to consider. We were only a smaller part. Then another thought, or sets of ideas, was presented to us.
Here the Lady, as though she had been monitoring our thoughts, interrupted and began again to speak. “Compare what you see to the way that you perceive time. Think of now and something happens to change perceptions. Discard that thought and the greater livingness seems to resume. Do you see? Do you begin to understand”. Yes. The Lady here was showing us through a real example of the higher nature of what we call time. She is giving is the ability to set it aside for a moment and to perceive reality as it truly is… without the distortions caused by it’s flow. The Lady smiled now and spoke again. “You are all here because you have done the necessary work and the doors to possibilities were opened for you. Had this not been so you would by now have been too fearful to continue. It is the higher level of consciousness that allows it. These are not available to individual souls thus the need for joining the group through entering the meditative state.”
With this last statement the Lady turns again and, raising her arm, points to the world below. “Watch now children as your world is quickened. Fear not as you will comprehend what is given you. A key word for you is affirmations”. For a short time now we rest and at the Lady’s bidding we are all met and greeted, sharing the urgency of wonder that might have been felt had we not be so prepared…” Trusting now everyone rested, for a time. Of the large assembly one looks about as if searching for a familiar face. Others too. And then the reassurances born of recognition rise up to quell what otherwise might have declared it was only a dream. Here, in our gathering were many from the forum and so many others that we had never met. Could there be so many? But explanations proved too elusive. Better to accept and remain poised as before. Wait…
Once again the Lady sends us her thoughts. “Close your ethereal eyes and imagine, imagine… see with your minds as you have been taught to do. Now listen, also and follow me.” We were then raised up to some elevated place that defied description. We were no longer in ordinary, even heavenly spaces but somewhere else. Our minds struggled to find adequate words. It is all places and it is no place at all. It is above but there is no below that we can see. We can only imagine and in the effort we find again the Lady speaking to us. “Do not be alarmed for we are traveling together as we did once before. You are all carried within the aura shared.” Then, although the ability to recognize our surroundings continued we suddenly were aware that our destination had been reached. “We are in a place where time does not exist. Yes. It is real in your minds as it is in mine. Our purpose is to demonstrate or to remind us all of the fact of the illusions which exist in the lower created realms. No. Do not think them false. They are not. But they become strangely distorted when looked at from above, especially from far, far above. Look now as we are shown the created worlds as they are externally of lower dimensional boundaries.”
As we looked about us we saw, to our astonishment, two vistas of existence. One was closer to us now. It was just a little frightening because we seemed to be seeing the entirety of the history of the created universe in a timeless way. It was not easy at all to discern past from present and future. All simply is. Perhaps “today” is a better word. But then looking the other way we saw that which was more familiar to us. With time (and lower dimensions too) flow restored we could now see the history of the created worlds in motion which meant that we could once again separate past, present and future. And then it occurred to us all at the same time that we were being taught about the nature of the present. Again the Lady speaks to us. “You are given this introduction to higher existences so that you when you return to your world it will be easier for you to accept the idea of infinity. Do you see? Infinity is not the endless progression of time. It is, rather, existence in a timeless realm. Where there is no time at all one need not measure it.” And although we might otherwise have fought against this idea we had been chosen, raised up because or our abilities to accept that which, had we been younger, would have been rejected.
The Lady speaks again now and bids us close our eyes in preparation for the return to our home, the Earth. Across the many boundaries, leaving the un-created, re-entering the created universes, sensing time again and descending through the layered heavens, arriving at a point below that we would call the plane of the “divine” we arrive finally on our newly discovered mountaintop. Yes. It was as though we being reassured. We are home in our ethereal/astral/mental plane garden setting on this mountaintop that we now recognized. All was well.
At this point the Lady looks about then descends until her feet are again on the rocky ledge upon which we all find ourselves. As we readjust to this more familiar reality she raises her arm and points in the direction of an opening in the stone of the mountain side. As our gaze follows we see that indeed an opening has appeared. Without speaking now we know that we are to rise up and enter. Trusting… we follow.
All was darkness and quiet. Suddenly each of us, though we were in the hundreds, were alone in what we saw. Before each of us was a lighted story of our soul. We were surrounded by many others yet we knew each of us was in some private space, ours alone. As we watched we witnessed our birth to the higher of the heavens (the Earth’s Mental plane), the preparation to begin and, finally, the descent to the lower of the Earth’s heavens where we would given by our guides over to those who would be our parents, siblings, friends and yes, enemies too, in the life to come. It was time to begin. It is not possible to understate the awe what each of us felt as we were shown the general trendings of our many incarnations. These things that, somehow, we knew to be true. We, each of us, were able to discover on our own not needing the presence of another in the physical. Power. Equality. Clear vision at last. At this point we come to realize that even as the Earth has a spiritual place of refuge, the garden, so to does our neighbor, the heart, Saturn. We now know that to leave our planet and go there to begin a new phase of spiritual evolution is the next step. In the elder spiritual lore this time of transition is known as the Fourth of the major initiations. But now see seem to awaken, to return to the present. Looking about us we see the Lady, standing patiently, eyes closed.
Now the Lady speaks to us again but this time to the hundreds of others who had never before seen this garden. She smiles as we watch. “Rest now. With some effort we who watch have given to you degrees of understanding so that you may return and spread the truth to those few who will listen. The purpose, as always, is not for personal gain but so that through elevated understanding you may live your lives in their highest possible expressions. Then, in the many cultural fields from which you all represent the work of cleansing, may I say transmuting, can be increased. You have shown willingness to become workers in the Light. You are answered here and now in this representative journey to high places which was only possible because of your ability to meditate correctly. It was this quality which each of you has earned through work, personal effort, that allowed it.” And with this the Lady grows quiet again so that we can appreciate her words.
Many in the newer group now became curious about this garden place which they had never before seen. Time was allotted for them to discover what was available for them here. The healing room was of special interest to many. To others the libraries with their unbounded secrets waiting to be revealed. But to each of us the sure knowledge that we had arrived at some point which might rightfully be called an initiatory threshold. Step through the portal now, willingly and knowingly and become disciples in the greater work.
We rest now and since we are back in the familiar time flow our minds revert to the more human mode of thinking. And we realize that we are hungry. Looking up in the distance, we see Lady Pumpkin and company moving in our direction carrying a banquet feast. They had returned from the lake beyond the woods. There they carefully returned Bright to his own liquid universe. Greetings and thanks. Now before us all are the rewards which, for the moment, seem more urgent than any higher spiritual considerations. We are seated on the lawn. The food before us. Cares aside we indulge. Learning, after all, is hungry work.
Were were all resting in the garden now. Those who were new had many questions and comments. Many found it incredible that such a place not only should exist but that it was so near… and so very attainable. At this everyone smiled in agreement. They were to know that this garden setting was created to serve the first biological forms which came to reside on the planet. As life developed so too dd the garden until, when the first of the human souls were brought to this planet it assumed it’s present appearance. Since that time it has served life as a gathering place, a place of solitude, of learning and of healing. And, too, a place of preparation for those young souls who were just beginning their journeys. They understood too, that each of the kingdoms was represented through plants and animals including fish and insects. Each were the guardians, the custodians if you like, whose responsibilities included interacting with the small ones, the worker spirits who, unseen by most, were continually busy. Theirs’ was the joy expressed in song.
And as we all grew quiet we realized that the purpose of the preceding adventure was simply to re-affirm to us all the tenuousness of time. That in order to understand it’s quality and nature we must go to a place where it does not exist. This was the purpose, the reason, the lesson given us all by the Lady in “today”.
With these thoughts we become aware of the presence of our guide, the Lady, once again. She is leaving us now but, catching our expressions of thanks, turns toward us a last time and nods as if to say… We are all one after all.
At this point those others of the larger visiting group, each in their own dreams now, are carried back to the waiting Earth below. And we, watching them leave realize that where we all had gone was possible only when the individual consciousnesses combine. Only to groups of souls are such heights possible. Herein is a hint of the post human life to come.
Note: The great ones, the post masters and slightly lesser beings on their own planes are deep in the meditative state continually. Thus they live and work.
Note: For those who may not have recognized it our group meditation began when we, after leaving the lakeside, followed and then turned onto a new path. One that we had never seen before. This new path was only visible to those who, in meditation, were able to raise themselves higher. Then, as we rested on the mountain top and saw the approaching larger group of people coming to join us, it was the power of our combined meditation that enabled them, brought them closer. With the Lady’s guidance we invited them. They, each in meditative states of their own, were then drawn to our group, to the heavenly garden.
As the narrative continued we, remaining safely joined to the aura of the Lady, carried the others with us. Thus is the power of group meditations. Our memories of that day will seem to us extensions of others which came before, confirmations and affirmations. But to the others, those of the larger group who accompanied us…. The journey would be remembered as dreams. Each would measure these differently but all would be aware that, while asleep, some wonderful event took place. For some reason they traveled to a wondrous place high in the heavens. And, too, they remembered the Lady, a being surrounded by Light. They were, for a time, a part of something familiar yet unknown.
Note: We will discover, each of us, that such visitations as were told of in this story are only possible for those who are trained and can knowingly enter the appropriate meditative state (of consciousness). This, each of you has accomplished. Indeed this part of the story would not have been possible otherwise. It is good.
Part Eighteen will be another journey of adventure, one whose destination will be Saturn. It is to be called: Tomorrow.
To be continued.
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