Originally Posted by Syringa
So yesterday I asked angels how can I get back my motivation to do things and build a better life.
I'm also very tired with all the evil in this world.
So then I asked "who are you". I didn't get an answer.
And I didn't get an answer to my original question.
Perhaps you did received the answer.
That is, you now know a benevolent entity is watching over you giving you the encouragement and safety to continue with bettering your life despite the harsh reality you are in. And that benevolent entity also showed you how nice it is to be loved.
So don’t get tired with all the evils in this world. Fight evil by being a person upholding love. Don’t fight evil with hatred and more evil.
As to who or what that benevolent entity is, perhaps it is you. The higher vibrating part of you some call the soul which is pure love that is a piece of what some call God.
We are created in the image of God. That is the multi-dimensional quantum energy image of pure love.
Behind what we call spirituality and miracles is advance energies with advance physics. Advance only because our 3d minds don’t understand or know of them yet.
Love is much more than just simply a human emotion. Love is the most powerful multi-dimensional quantum energy and more that can change our body’s chemistry and thus our physics by raising our body’s frequency of vibration and thus increasing our DNA efficiency.
Love is the key to unlocking many extra-ordinary abilities we all could have that will give us far more control over our body’s health, our life, and our reality.
A Bible verse alludes to that: Seek first the Kingdom of God (love) and God’s righteousness (love) and all things will be added to you.
Fear is the opposite of love.
Fear divides us in anger, hatred, worry, frustration, selfishness, judgement, vengeance, hoarding, and superiority.
Whereas love unites us in caring, kindness, compassion, tolerance, equality, and cooperation.
It is by choosing to have sincere love in heart and mind that we return to being in alliance, in unity, and in Oneness with God.
Love is the universal Truth, the way, and the life.
Love existed long before the creation of this universe, this planet, and all human religions.
The caring and compassionate God is pure love that can only be unconditional love.
It has always been about love.
We are not born here to suffer, but to uncover the love within through free will and express it to the world through compassionate action.
We are here pretending to be humans to transform this spiritually young world into paradise. To bring Heaven to Earth.
All the best to you to return to a state of love, peace, and joy that is our true nature.