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Old 15-01-2024, 07:00 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
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Hm. I suddenly realized how similar the Sparrow afterlife is - to the Internet. An infinite number of people and an infinite number of places and interests and topics. And practically none of all these people will ever meet or know what the people they talk with look like. There is heavy duty moderation all over the place. There are discussions and groups and plans and opinions and ideas - but a lot more gets said than done by the end. As an individual you can just forget about achieving any changes in the system, and even if you are part of a very large group the rule makers don't need to relate to it. You have no secrets because the tops see everything. As you can see everything everywhere, your TV has infinite channels and there are windows everywhere so you can listen in on all the wonderful meetings and planning operations.

Ah, wonderful spirit world. Being reincarnated into a living body looks a lot better by the minute. Please realise that I am not questioning Sparrow's depiction, it sounds quite plausible to me. I'm just not that enthusiastic about it.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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Old 16-01-2024, 10:30 AM
Spirit Guide Sparrow Spirit Guide Sparrow is offline
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Salutations in love, through the light of heart wisdom.

The fascination and deliberation with which human beings debate their reincarnation, even through apprehension, is ultimately superfluous next to the reality that your other "lives" do not require the process of birth or death.

That is, the conception you call your physical universe is unique in its design, in that it was purposely designed to experience birth and death. The other spheres of embodiment your soul gains experience from do not require you to be born.

The customary experience for souls within the spirit realm is that they enter in, and exit out, of all desired dimensional expressions of creation as they see fit.


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Old 16-01-2024, 09:21 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Nice to see you back Sparrow I have to agree with what you said.

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The Wind
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Old 18-01-2024, 10:37 AM
Hemera Hemera is offline
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Yes it is always lovely to see you around Sparrow.

I'm going to read the writings about reincarnation in depth.
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Old 18-01-2024, 11:49 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Aww sooooo glad to see you back here Sparrow cos I love your wise words!

Ide like some help with a dream, as it’s been a reoccurring dream, at least 20 times over the last year and Ive been told that we should take note of reoccurring ones.

The dream is that I have found out that my best mate Rose (who is happily married) has had an affair with my ex husband (who has been dead for about two years). I tell Rose to get lost cos I don’t trust her anymore and don’t want her in my life but she just keeps coming back and coming back and won’t go away. I then get very angry with her and keep telling her to go away (in real life we have no issues and get on well and have known each other for forty years)

Ok the dream isn’t anything special to write home about, but it’s bugging me that it keeps coming up again and again and It bothers me that I’m not getting the message.

I thought maybe it was past life experience.

Maybe it means nothing and that’s ok but if there is some kinda message I would really appreciate your comments.

Many thanks
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Old 18-01-2024, 04:40 PM
Spirit Guide Sparrow Spirit Guide Sparrow is offline
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Dear Redchic12,

To avert any possible derailing of the train of thought and topic of this thread, it is conceivably a wise decision to reply to your conundrum elsewhere.

For convenience, I will move my response to a location not difficult to find.

It is a pleasure for me to see and speak with you all once again.


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Old 19-01-2024, 11:47 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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AnotherBob thanks for posting that Sparrow article………brilliant.

Definitely resonates for me.
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Old 20-01-2024, 07:36 PM
AnotherBob AnotherBob is offline
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Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
I have had a little while to mull the over article now. I have some issues. First of all, it describes a spirit world devoid of evil. Just good is present and everyone are doing nice things. Very well, but then how come our physical world is absolutely CRAMMED with evil and bad things? Did the writer maybe choose not to go into that, or doesn't he know? If the other side is good and good only, wouldn't choosing a physical life be like booking a vacation in Hell? Wouldn't this dogood afterworld be more likely to ban everyone from putting on a body?

Please enjoy this thorough discussion of Evil: https://spiritguidesparrow.wordpress...14/11/01/evil/

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