The First Angel and the Great Migration
The First Angel and the Great Migration
If we find ourselves speaking of beginnings it is only because our rational minds seem to require it. This is further complicated by the idea of infinity which we commonly think of as being the endless progression of time. This is not correct however. A better definition of infinity is a state of being that is wholly timeless. Such is the “land” of the “Father”, the creator of all things seen and unseen. In our story of created universes we find a curious mix of the highest spiritual planes which exist independently of those which are created and the lower spiritual planes which are, in fact, made just as were the physical. And so… we may look at the Earth and say it results from the Mind, the Will, of God but that determination must also include the Earth’s spiritual planes. They too, exist outside of or below if you prefer, eternity.
The above is important information because we will find that in the lower spiritual realms time, although flowing more slowly than in our physical, does exist. Why is this? An easy explanation is simply to say that these planes are made of matter, subtle or spiritual as may be, which as such offer dimensional structures in which time is a necessary component. How are we to grow and finally rejoin the source if we are not bound in such an environment? Evolution, both spiritual and physical, requires beginnings and endings, befores and afters, in order to have meaning. How, without time, can we speak of continuity? And so, the created universes and all that call them home, through time, grow and evolve. The un-created, the “I am” of the Father, on the other hand, those two highest planes which are above, are both source and destination.
Part one: Tholomo
It is the human soul, Tholomo-met, late of the planet Aryana, who narrates.
“I, Tholomo, am called "“met”" to distinguish myself from my father. Such customs are common even between worlds. I am a priest, a carrier of the legends, one who remembers, one who, because of assigned duties, is said to be qualified to teach. Our world is nearing it’s end now.
My world was one, not unlike the Earth, not only far away but in a different universe altogether. I might relate to the reader the name we called our planet and it’s star. These two were Aryana. Except for remnants of biological life in deep places it is a dead world now. It’s time passed. It was quite a large planet of somewhat greater density than the Earth which is one reason this world was chosen. It was a near match. In our world we saw ourselves as being of normal stature. On Earth though we would have been considered very large indeed. Giants we would have been called by others who were native Earthlings. Though it might be possible to travel between that and our universe the distance is so great that in the physical the attempt would not be practical.
Because of the requirement for shifting, dimension to dimension while yet in the physical, it perhaps would not be possible. Throughout all of the universes though human souls are constant and unchanging. It is the nature of these, their expressive requirements, which determines the systems which are suitable for habitation. There are many variations in forms which are temporary but souls remain constant, united in their source. When it was decided that we should leave our world behind a new approach to travel was devised. Because of this oneness of deity purpose the practice of star seeding, one universe to another, was not uncommon.
To clarify let me say that our transition, our migration which we were about to begin, was from a system in one universe to another in a different, newer universe. This newer one was in a great time of expansion wherein the presence of human souls was desired. We will tell more of this later.
It is my belief that for each world upon which human souls reside and work there are traditions of high spiritual entities who create, guide and watch. Further that each has at least one or sometimes a cadre of greater beings which serve as gods. Our world was no exception. And angels? Yes we had those also. Representing the elemental divisiveness of the lower created worlds they were male and female just as we. Remember that angels are eternal beings which serve as agents or liaisons. Among them was one in particular, a Lady who reigned superior to the others of her kin. She was the First of the angels so called because, according to our stories it was she that brought to our part of that universe a group of travelers who served as seedlings. Ours then was a new world. This was, and remains, the way of it. We humans, though our forms differ, are a migratory family of beings. Since the beginnings and now too… we seem to remember.. and wonder at the night skies of wherever we may be.”
As we came to understand then, the great angel, the Lady whose title was The First Angel, served and continues to serve as the agent of the evolutionary forces that administer and guide in our universe.”
Measuring a time parallel between worlds in different universes is not easy to do. Each has a different foundation and subsequent flow of time. But once we have found our way to the destination and after a period of integration we begin anew. This story is being told from within the reference of our old world, Aryana, as it is now and so we will begin by citing a period of time, in years, before the present, when the first of these particular travelers arrived in the Earth system.
To be continued...
Last edited by bartholomew : 05-11-2022 at 11:46 PM.