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19-01-2015, 05:30 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,087
Originally Posted by God-Like
Hey :)
Well I suppose if one is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole then somethings not going to fit quite right or something’s going to give way lols .
Depends on what one is trying to achieve and in how much time and in regards to what tools are at one's disposal .
The psychic surgeon I went to see 8 years ago who worked on my knee after a running incident has on his website somewhere (I think) the feedback of a lady who had a spirit operation on her heart .
At the hospital where she was undergoing scans and an impending operation to fix something the secondary scans showed no operation was required, in fact there seemed a bit of a puzzle in that the heart was not the same heart as the first one scanned .
My knee has been fine ever since just for the record .
So it does depend on many things in regards one's tools at one's disposal and also where one is at in regards to why they have ailments .
I was interested in the thread as working in a studio 9 hrs a day really takes it out of my eyes .
I had the visit of Aldous huxley once (I think I have already spoken of this to you) who apparently had awful eye sight and it was funny cos his visit coincided with my thoughts in self healing regarding my tired/weakened eyes . I think if memory serves me well he underwent the bates method for healing his eyes, which I looked into for myself .
I also came across an eye surgeon from spirit which prompted me to ask for help from the surgeons of the spirit world along with the alchemists and architects so you see what I mean about what tools one has at their disposal .
I think what can be achieved depends on a lot of things but I would say much is possible to do . Like the heart swap for the lady mentioned above was pretty much instant and likewise for my knee was instant also but sometimes it can take many years, decades or not at all for ailments or imperfections to heal / transform (for whatever reason that maybe) but I think there are enough tools for everyone to get off the mark .
x daz x
Hey there, I definitely agree re: the variations and differences in the severity of an issue or ailment and also in how it may be resolved.
What you mention about Huxley and the healing method he used...this is very interesting...I didn't know about Aldous Huxley having bad eyesight, nor the Bates method. What is that and have you tried it and seen any improvement? I suppose I'd have to see if Huxley's eyes were bad due to wear and tear, deterioration, disease, or if he was born with a different shaped eye. If so, then it would be interesting to know how similar his sight was to mine. Many people up to -4 or -5 diopters can and do have successful physical correction (laser surgery), though often with a lot of side effects like dry eyes and poor night vision. I am way, way beyond that mark
My eyes are healthy but they are the square peg that cannot easily be fit into a round hole, that's for certain. I'd be open to seeing what could be done but either way I am ok, as they are healthy and work exactly as they should otherwise.
Though I'm also very much interested in your methods for easing the strain and irritation on the eyes through the energy healing. I'm also on the computer all day and I feel that my eyes are not just tired so much but always also somewhat irritated and prone to redness.
Peace & blessings! 
Bound by conventions, people tend to reach for what is easy.
Here we must be unafraid of what is difficult.
For all living beings in nature must unfold in their particular way
and become themselves despite all opposition.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke

20-01-2015, 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by gracec09
can i improve my eyesight. what can i do?
Walk in Nature daily, look at the clouds, look high, look low, look near , look far
Bilberry Juice and extract daily
Eyebright Herb daily
Clear your head of ego and wanting , when INSIGHT is clear outer sight is clear.

20-01-2015, 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
Hey there, I definitely agree re: the variations and differences in the severity of an issue or ailment and also in how it may be resolved.
What you mention about Huxley and the healing method he used...this is very interesting...I didn't know about Aldous Huxley having bad eyesight, nor the Bates method. What is that and have you tried it and seen any improvement? I suppose I'd have to see if Huxley's eyes were bad due to wear and tear, deterioration, disease, or if he was born with a different shaped eye. If so, then it would be interesting to know how similar his sight was to mine. Many people up to -4 or -5 diopters can and do have successful physical correction (laser surgery), though often with a lot of side effects like dry eyes and poor night vision. I am way, way beyond that mark
My eyes are healthy but they are the square peg that cannot easily be fit into a round hole, that's for certain. I'd be open to seeing what could be done but either way I am ok, as they are healthy and work exactly as they should otherwise.
Though I'm also very much interested in your methods for easing the strain and irritation on the eyes through the energy healing. I'm also on the computer all day and I feel that my eyes are not just tired so much but always also somewhat irritated and prone to redness.
Peace & blessings! 
Hey again :)
I have had quite a bit going on with my upper chakras / pineal if your remember and even had probs with weather patterns / pressures effecting me (heavy head symptoms) so it is kind of difficult to pin point exactly whats going on in relation to my eyes regarding energy and regarding the nature of my working environment .
Nevertheless my sight has been effected .
I suffered 2-3 years of heavy head symptoms which have pretty well much cleared up now thank god lols and I can only put that down to energies clearing / activating in my upper energy centers .
The tiredness and weakened eyes can be partly down to these energy plays but also partly down to many hours in the studio . I am sensitive to artificial light as well which doesn't help .
Anyway since I have been doing my own self energy work for my eyes I have noticed that my eyes are more refreshed than they used to be . They are certainly not as tired as they once were and as my heavy head has lifted things are a lot lighter and clearer if you understand me .
I had done the bates method on and off and it helped for sure . If I had entertained the bates method with the same dedication as I do with my meditation and other spiritual practices then who knows what could of transpired but I am happy with the results of my self healing work .
I should perhaps do more of the bates method exercises but as my eyes have been 30% clearer and stronger lately then it doesn't come to mind to do them .
My vision is not 20/20 like when I was in my prime lols, but I don't wear glasses to read or drive or anything although at my worse point 5 years ago I did buy a pair but have never worn them lols .
My mate at work has just started to wear a pair and he said he regrets it as his eyes have got worse since wearing them . Bates suggests the same as in glasses weaken the eyes .
If one cannot see two feet in front of them then glasses are their life line but perhaps if one's sight is 50/50 then it might pay to strengthen them rather than weaken them wearing glasses .
I suppose it is down to how much effort one is willing to put in .

20-01-2015, 05:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,087
Originally Posted by God-Like
Hey again :)
I have had quite a bit going on with my upper chakras / pineal if your remember and even had probs with weather patterns / pressures effecting me (heavy head symptoms) so it is kind of difficult to pin point exactly whats going on in relation to my eyes regarding energy and regarding the nature of my working environment .
Nevertheless my sight has been effected .
I suffered 2-3 years of heavy head symptoms which have pretty well much cleared up now thank god lols and I can only put that down to energies clearing / activating in my upper energy centers .
The tiredness and weakened eyes can be partly down to these energy plays but also partly down to many hours in the studio . I am sensitive to artificial light as well which doesn't help .
Anyway since I have been doing my own self energy work for my eyes I have noticed that my eyes are more refreshed than they used to be . They are certainly not as tired as they once were and as my heavy head has lifted things are a lot lighter and clearer if you understand me .
I had done the bates method on and off and it helped for sure . If I had entertained the bates method with the same dedication as I do with my meditation and other spiritual practices then who knows what could of transpired but I am happy with the results of my self healing work .
I should perhaps do more of the bates method exercises but as my eyes have been 30% clearer and stronger lately then it doesn't come to mind to do them .
My vision is not 20/20 like when I was in my prime lols, but I don't wear glasses to read or drive or anything although at my worse point 5 years ago I did buy a pair but have never worn them lols .
My mate at work has just started to wear a pair and he said he regrets it as his eyes have got worse since wearing them . Bates suggests the same as in glasses weaken the eyes .
If one cannot see two feet in front of them then glasses are their life line but perhaps if one's sight is 50/50 then it might pay to strengthen them rather than weaken them wearing glasses .
I suppose it is down to how much effort one is willing to put in .
Ah, thanks for sharing that...BTW I had some violet light healing myself last night and it was very warming and relaxing...I could really feel the energy healing me & it was wonderful! I do feel that it would help my eyes if done regularly
Re: Bates, so it is exercises to strengthen and maintain eye health. These would also be good for general health and eye strain, and I should definitely do some of them to relieve the strain of many hours on the PC daily.
But this would never reshape -10 to something less than -1 like 50/50
It is really like a totally different species of eye, hahaha...but my eyes are completely healthy otherwise, and I have found it comes with its own surprising benefits for me.
I have a lot of virtual vision, including my depth perception, which is wholly not supported by my eyes working naturally in tandem but due to natural training of eye muscles and brain compensation or enhancement. Every eye doctor is always amazed at my perfect depth perception, which shouldn't exist. And most are amazed at my lack of astigmatism which is extremely rare at high diopters. It's the same regarding acuity of spiritual vision too, which has always come unusually easily and clearly for me. Same with perceiving auras, illness, and many similar energies visually, including with standard vision (which is usually quite limited in its range of sight).
Likewise, I think the main benefit of the Bales exercises and similar, other than relieving strain and maintaining eye muscles, is simply to get your eyes and brain to stretch, adapt, and begin to work "beyond themselves". Once ppl start feeling around, who knows what they will begin to "see"  ...literally!!!
Peace & blessings Teds
Bound by conventions, people tend to reach for what is easy.
Here we must be unafraid of what is difficult.
For all living beings in nature must unfold in their particular way
and become themselves despite all opposition.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke

21-01-2015, 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
Ah, thanks for sharing that...BTW I had some violet light healing myself last night and it was very warming and relaxing...I could really feel the energy healing me & it was wonderful! I do feel that it would help my eyes if done regularly
Re: Bates, so it is exercises to strengthen and maintain eye health. These would also be good for general health and eye strain, and I should definitely do some of them to relieve the strain of many hours on the PC daily.
But this would never reshape -10 to something less than -1 like 50/50
It is really like a totally different species of eye, hahaha...but my eyes are completely healthy otherwise, and I have found it comes with its own surprising benefits for me.
I have a lot of virtual vision, including my depth perception, which is wholly not supported by my eyes working naturally in tandem but due to natural training of eye muscles and brain compensation or enhancement. Every eye doctor is always amazed at my perfect depth perception, which shouldn't exist. And most are amazed at my lack of astigmatism which is extremely rare at high diopters. It's the same regarding acuity of spiritual vision too, which has always come unusually easily and clearly for me. Same with perceiving auras, illness, and many similar energies visually, including with standard vision (which is usually quite limited in its range of sight).
Likewise, I think the main benefit of the Bales exercises and similar, other than relieving strain and maintaining eye muscles, is simply to get your eyes and brain to stretch, adapt, and begin to work "beyond themselves". Once ppl start feeling around, who knows what they will begin to "see"  ...literally!!!
Peace & blessings Teds
I think the bates method or eye yoga techniques can aid / strengthen the eyes like you say . Perhaps your eyes may need that something extra
My self healing work on my eyes has been ongoing for 6 months everyday .
It's part of my inner alchemy work as you know in relation to cells / dna .
If your eyes mean that much to you then I am sure you will fit in the self work that needs to be done .
x daz x

21-01-2015, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,087
Originally Posted by God-Like
I think the bates method or eye yoga techniques can aid / strengthen the eyes like you say . Perhaps your eyes may need that something extra
My self healing work on my eyes has been ongoing for 6 months everyday .
It's part of my inner alchemy work as you know in relation to cells / dna .
If your eyes mean that much to you then I am sure you will fit in the self work that needs to be done .
x daz x
That's very cool that you are working to restore your eyesight to what it has been at its peak. It seems you are not far off if you don't need any help to read or drive, etc., and so I'm sure it will no doubt have some positive and noticeable effect over time.
Seriously, I never once thought to change my eyes, strange as that may seem.
Although I have always worked on heart healing and other critical aspects of health. For example, I did have a heart murmur as a child, same as my mum's mum (she's 100) but I decided it would never slow me down - I ran, did track and cross country at school. And once I was an older teenager & really getting into healing, I decided that the heart murmur would go away, and it did over a period of a few years. No trace of it could be found after university.
I also decided very early on that cutting out or way down on most mammal products (red meat, pork, cow's milk products with the milk in them...i.e. double cream and butter from the farm ok in moderation) and on gluten is far better for the human body, rather than either trying to raise one's tolerance for irritating substances or healing the ongoing effects, so many try to do.
I realise I love and accept my eyes as they are  because when you are so nearsighted, I suppose you are grateful for healthy eyes that can be corrected to 20/20 and you don't worry about it further. Though I can always help them out a bit, eh? They don't have to be someone else's perfect eyes. Who needs total visual perfection anyway (LOL)  ...maybe then I wouldn't have these other cool gifts (?)
BUT yes I could definitely use the relief from strain and especially irritation (!).
It seems the violet light healing has some immediate positive effect  which I've really appreciated! So I'll check out the eye yoga as well. They say we should all be doing that sort of thing to relieve the eyes during the workday, so I will plan to include it.
I wonder if any of these suggestions are helping the OP, btw? But they've certainly been very helpful for me and thanks for that Dazzer!
Peace & blessings, Teds!
Bound by conventions, people tend to reach for what is easy.
Here we must be unafraid of what is difficult.
For all living beings in nature must unfold in their particular way
and become themselves despite all opposition.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke

23-01-2015, 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
I wonder if any of these suggestions are helping the OP, btw? But they've certainly been very helpful for me and thanks for that Dazzer!
Peace & blessings, Teds!
Thats good that it may be of some help. Is my cheque in the post
x daz x

23-01-2015, 04:02 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,087
Yes it is! My eyes actually have felt noticeably better this week, despite fatigue & some lingering stuffy head stuff.
So your cheque is in the post...keep your (refreshed) eyes  out for it !!!
 and many thanks for all your help!
Peace & blessings, Teds :)
Bound by conventions, people tend to reach for what is easy.
Here we must be unafraid of what is difficult.
For all living beings in nature must unfold in their particular way
and become themselves despite all opposition.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke

24-01-2015, 02:03 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 6,513
I became long-sighted in my late 40s. Up until then had 20/20 vision in all respects. After that I needed reading glasses and still use them, but they are the same ones I got 14 years ago so nothing has got worse! (mind you the glasses are held together with bits of wire! LOLOL!)
In bright sunlight I need no vision aid at all to read small print etc. Only in artificial light or dimmer conditions.
But to get rid of it would be great! Any suggestions?
I eat very well, healthy food, (plenty of vitamins) and bathe my eyes in cold water every morning.
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