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Old 01-05-2019, 06:16 PM
little.nation little.nation is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 289
Originally Posted by Honza
I think the genius of Christ is that He named Himself as the SON of God. Not God Himself but the SON.

That gives us a clue as to the workings of God. Why was He not Yahveh Himself? Well ask yourself, is that possible? The question is how can a manifestation or expression of God be the whole being? That logical answer is that it cannot. Christ claimed He was the Word. Christ is a Word of God - meaning that He is something tangible and manifested. He is perceivable.

Since we are perceivable and manifest as well then is it not logical to assume that we are The Word too....although as yet in a minor form. Is it not logical to assume that we are Christ or The Offspring of God too.

If God is Absolute then perhaps any expression or manifestation of God is the Offspring of the whole. It is perhaps a more fitting declaration to say I AM the Son/Daughter of God rather than claim to be the whole.

I sincerely do not believe it is possible for anyone to be EVERYTHING. Because EVERYTHING is just too darn BIG. In other words there will always be otherness and duality. The trick is to learn to live with it.

Son of man describes that he was born of a human being, as a human being. We are all sons and daughters by the simple fact that we were born. So was he.

Son of God describes his divinity.

There's even more to it.

When God says "gave his only son" he's saying that he gave his only life.

We each get one life. Immanuel's one and only life was given as a sacrifice. In other words, God incarnated as a human being but did not have the freedom to do with his life any way he would have wanted. His life was decided before he was even born. He didn't have a life to live. He had a role, a mission, a job. His one life, of freedom, was sacrificed so that he could fulfill the role of being eternally immortalized as GOD, forever.
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