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Old 27-06-2020, 05:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Altair
What do you mean ''they'' are ''in the way''?

What do you mean with ''understand the energy has to be transformed somehow''?

Let's say that you want to do something, but all you have is sexual thought. That would be kind of an obstacle.

Transforming the energy is the secret behind the miracle of the wedding, but I couldn't tell you how to do it. However during my walk today I noticed something funny. I saw a car with rims that I liked, and I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice to have rims like that, and so I imagined having it and other things that interest me. In a sense like a Transformer will transform itself into an object it likes, by first observing it and then becoming it. So maybe this is a key.

How would an OOBE 'fix' your ''issue''? How does anything spiritual 'fix' the issue that you have? Dude, I've done yoga and meditation for some years now and none of it reduces sexual desire. The only people that seem able to have lower sexual desire are either having health issues with their sexual organs, are old and have low testosterone, and/or stimulate this development through very poor diet. The anti-orgasm monks that live on porridge and getting ''light'' in the head, or the vegan girls that lose their period and think they're spiritual and 'detoxing'. Don't get sucked into the narratives of bearded ascetics and skinny meditators that tell you having sexual desire makes you 'un-spiritual'....

I know that when I'm bored I'll have more desire for orgasm than when I don't. Also, any 'spiritual practice' can increase it to the point you get lost in it. My best bet is you just occupy your mind with other things and don't worry about this topic of desire.

I'm very bad at obes so I don't focus much on it. It would of course let me get in touch with my subconscious better and perhaps do more transformative work.

The problem with occupying your mind with something else is that it's not interesting enough to keep attention on it. However the problem might be at least in my case that the things I really want I have considered to great to achieve. So therefore with a bigger faith maybe I can focus on other things.
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