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Old 28-08-2021, 03:02 AM
Posts: n/a
The Good and Beauty of Humans!

Some of the things i like and or love about my race, human beings!

Compassion: One who has compassion has understanding. Compassion is understanding! We have compassion for those that are starving around around the world or those that are suffering but its not easy to have compassion for our worst criminals in history such as Vlad The Impaler, Elizabeth Bathroy, Joseph Mengele and others, still it is important to have compassion for such extreme evils. By doing so you are using your heart chakra and not your brain and although your not excusing what they have done, we still can have compassion for their situation. You see it for what it is and be sure not to pull something like that in our own lives.

Empathy: When you can put yourself in some ones shoes so to speak you empathize with them. You on some level can relate to what someone is going through.

**We humans have these two traits within most of the general population, thankfully! (Compassion and Empathy) ***

Comedians, people that try to make, make others laugh & Laughing in general:
One of the things i absolutely love about human beings is our ability to make each other laugh sometimes in even the most dire of situations. Our comedians specifically share they're ability to make others laugh, although at times they do this at the expense of others they mean no harm and do it in the name of humor. There are and or have been many comedy tv series, shows and performances alike. People have levels of senses of humor big to small. Laughing raises your frequency/vibration considerably!

Spirit: the absolute most beautiful thing to me is the human spirit! Through all the bad things and evil in the world we still see people's willingness to help others. They're spirit flows through them and you can measure they're heart! Its the spirit within that connects to the spirit of others and this is how bonds are formed and understandings. You see beyond any flaws, imperfections or the negative ego and connect to the persons higher self which exists beyond this realm.

Our love for animals: We humans have gone out of our way and at times risked our lives to save and or protect the animals who are our friends. (Even though they may not want direct human companionship like Hippos and etc lol we still love them and keep our distance respecting they're space) I get super emotional and triggered by poachers, hunters and other categories of humans that do harm to animals, torture or kill them.
Animals have souls like we do and they have emotions and feelings as well. We see the personalities of them all the time and so many different types. My heartfelt expression of thanks goes out to all the wildlife conservationist, vetenerians, poacher hunters, animal rescuers, adoptees and other professions and kind hearted people all over the world

Our willingness to help one another: Through all the pain, suffering and evil in the world we humans do our absolute best to help one another. Sometimes we cant always help and when we cant we feel bad. Obviously we aren't supermen and superwoman to help out every single individual we come across but through adversities we pull through and help and assist as best as we can. Whether its the smallest thing of helping someone up, giving them money to eat, to assisting in a rescue of sorts and other things. we generally don't like seeing others suffer or go through something unnecessary if we can help it. My hats and utmost gratitude goes out to all the doctors, police men and woman (the non corrupt ones), firefighters, transportation workers for the elderly and other helping of people professions for either risking they're lives to protect others or help in general. I truly than you.

Our communities: We (human beings) are a social species and form different communities in different capacities. Its not about being in groups more than it is connecting with the likeminded on some level and a sense of "belonging"

There are some other things i love about people and humanity in general but these things stick out the most. What good do you see in your fellow humans?
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