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Old 02-06-2019, 04:16 PM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Missouri
Posts: 270
IMO, regarding another person as higher or lower is not what we should be focused on.
You mentioned that she had some harmful thoughts or harmful intentions, so these are of lower vibrations. Additionally, i have been reminded lately how we attract the vibrations we are resonating with. Like an acquaintance I recently met said, you can't listen to 103.1 FM if you are listening to 89.3 FM. You are tuned in to X frequency when you connect with this autistic person and you are tuned in to Y frequency when you connect with your twin.
I too have similar experiences, as I work with autistic children AND I have had telepathic moments with my twin. I'm sorry that you are having this struggle, and I hope you are able to find your answer. :)
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