Thread: River of Life.
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Old 21-01-2022, 11:35 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 721
River of Life.

I was meditating in my armchair when all of a sudden i was pulled out of my body hurled back in time and landed on a river bank in north America sometime around the 17th century, I could hear the rhythmic beats of several drums
and looked across the river which seemed to be a native American Indian village that had many wigwams and fires burning. I saw many people there some were dancing, I walked to the edge of the river bank and there a squaw was washing in the river on the other side of the river, she looked up and saw me, she seemed startled, and i was unsure as what to do, but just then i felt a big tug on my solar plexus and was pulled back through time to my armchair
this happed many years ago but is still fresh in my memory.

regards michael
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