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Old 27-11-2017, 10:48 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by psychegrl
Maybe it's just the energy I'm really being affected lately but I feel like I'm cleaning a house that I will be setting fire to soon. There's no way this is a place where the TF union energies can exist.

All the 3D stuff that is seen as necessary feels hard to do that keep up appearances for those whom I'm doing it for. Even the necessity of making money is grating on my nerves. I feel like if I would start any changes, I couldn't handle ANY of it to be the same. The only way I'm able to get through the day is by turning off the 5D until I can get to a quiet corner. It's exhausting!

Sigh... this is more of me complaining and blaming my circumstances not to steep fully in but I'm feeling the water come to a boil. Ugh

On the flip side my gifts seem to be turning up and control with more understanding is coming in. Is anyone else itching like crazy????
I'm going through major transformation, the buildup has been there for some time, accelerated in August with all the shifts and hasn't stopped accelerating since.

But ... what you are saying is not 5D... If you have such a relationship with money you are simply very 3D, at least concerning that aspect.
Money is nothing but a means to exchange, like in the past we used a chicken or milk or a block of cheese or a couple of eggs. Money is EXACTLY the same.
Just that we feel different about swapping goods for goods than we feel about money.
Money has been made to be negative so there's a huge negative collective energy field attached to it.
You can change your own vibe concerning money by starting to think positive about it. Be grateful when it comes in, be grateful when you pay bills because you got the wonderful services it bought you and so on.
Rhonda Byrne has some great things and exercises in The Power concerning money that are really helpful too to change your false and negative beliefs concerning money.
Learn to appreciate money, really appreciate it. Love it, love what it brings you and what you can do with it. That way it can come more easily to you too.
If you don't like what you have to do to make it, then maybe it's simply time to find something else.

I am starting a 30 day training myself today concerning this, changing and deactivating beliefs and ancestral convictions concerning money, prosperity, success. Because all these things are being passed on via bloodlines too. So if there's a belief in your family (line) that you have to work hard for money, then you got that in your system too and it will block you.

None of that is 5D. It's simply dealing with issues that limit you, and these issues are 3D to the core.

The rest of what you write says you feel you have to switch between 3D and 5D. But I wonder. I don't mean to be offensive or condescending in any way, but it sounds to me that you are simply struggling with dealing with the normal mundane life things, and those are all 3D, maybe 4D.

When you are in the 5D you do not have this struggle anymore, you can integrate both. I think that is the most challenging part for many of us, to achieve that.
I think it might help to not think in 3D and 5D so much. I notice many people on here do that. I never get why. Just live. Grow. Learn. Stop thinking in separation. There is no separation unless you create it, and I think we mostly create this within ourselves. That's why it grates on us. Got that insight as I was typing that. thank you for posting this, I needed that insight myself as well :)
Apart from that, there judgement in there too. Indirectly it's saying that the 3D is not nice, not good enough, inferior, lower and so on and so forth. But it isn't. 3D just is what it is. Sure, we're moving to a higher vibration, but try to still love the old boots that serves all of mankind for so long! Those old boots (3D) are what brought us to this place of being able to get new ones.
Might be a daft comparison, but maybe it helps a bit to shift perspective.

Be nice to yourself, Psychegrl!

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