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Old 21-03-2022, 05:59 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Tobi
I have often wondered if the "tunnel" is some sort of fast-track through the denser areas of the astral. If so, it may depend on our personal vibratory rate, (which deposits us in a certain 'place' of interest/learning to us at the time) which isn't necessarily something we always have conscious control over, but based on what's going on under the surface of conscious ego mind.
I don't know when this was originally posted, but I came across this idea quite recently and it does make sense.

I used to wonder if going through a tunnel is simply our experience of going through the vortex of energy which is a chakra as we leave the physical body. But then I read about the tunnel as providing a shield from the sights and energies of the lower astral planes. So we find ourselves on whichever astral plane is right for us - if we had to consciously make our way through the lower astral planes then dying would become a terrifying process.

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