Thread: Djinns?
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Old 06-09-2021, 04:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Djinn are The Archons/Authorities, The Annunaki, The Overlords, Demons, Fallen Angels, The Rakshasa and they go by different names. They are shapeshifters and thus take on any form they see fit or convenient to them at any particular moment. They are true onto-energetics (non physical beings) and they come from different star systems making them true ET's.

After all, Djinn is just another name for a interdimensional being that can reconstruct they're fires to mock up an avatar. They are not "evil spirits" as they are so commonly known by. There is no such thing as an evil spirits as they don't exist! Spirit is not evil. The proper term would be rather, evil souls, warded souls or malevolent souls as they lack spirit completely.
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