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Old 11-02-2023, 05:33 AM
MidasCloud MidasCloud is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 162
Politeness and Pleasantries: On the Topic of Human Energetics

Everyone is sensitive to the energies in social interactions, and people realize this when they say words like "sorry", "thank you", "good morning", "hi", to each other. Imagine a society where people never say those kind words, and it can be ascertained that increased mental illnesses are bound to occur. However, in addition to simple pleasantries and kind manners, other kinds of energetics are not as obvious, though just as important to a person's mental wellbeing:

"How are you?"
:: Asking this actually raises a person's physical body expectancy, so they feel better about themselves and decreases the chance of them committing suicide

Say to yourself from time to time "Seek a righteous path, and wisdom will be yours"
:: This is very important, as it gives you direction and focus. Wisdom means differently to different people, for some, it's about leaving the world a better place for their grandchildren, though for others, it can be bringing smiles to people, uniting a neighborhood together, making people understand one another more, or create more common understanding, etc. You might not notice an immediate difference, though as you carry that energy, you will learn new things, and start becoming a wiser person, transforming in a few months as you goes into a habit for your new-found interest.

"Think of the person you stole from, or thought wrongly of, and ask for forgiveness in the mind"
:: This helps a persons sleep earlier and better, while also clears up mental fogginess.

"Think of the person you belittled, and say 'I love you' to him or her in the mind"
:: If you have said something that might have offended someone or made him uncomfortable, as in contracting his energy, you can think of him or her, and say "I love you" in the mind. This makes the person feeling better when approaching you next time.

"There is a right way to do anything"
:: Knowing this and carrying this energy allows you to figure out the best approach for things, especially when it comes to having your body being in a certain energetic state.


Voodoo magic and spellcasting are better done in the mind, not on a physical level or be acted out physically. For example, people clap their hands to show approval after a performance or speech, though if you clap hands in the mind, you can head-nod like Indian people do when they are pleased, or agree with something.

The human energetics I'm referring to are words like hello, thank you, and excuse me. If there are no such words, then many people in society would likely be mentally ill.


If you have made someone angry (exhibiting repressed Anger), without really being aware that you did at the time, you can think of that person, and take a bow to him or her in the mind. This will make the person have an easier time approaching, and working with you in the future.


If you feel like there is no solid ground below your feet, then you can ask your higher self (or the ether at your crown chakra) "can you fix that for me, please?" and feel the solid ground below your feet return to you.
"Seek a righteous path, and wisdom will be yours" - Ram Bomjon
"There is a right way to do anything"
"Wish others to find the love of their lives" - Roy Zhang
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