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Old 31-01-2020, 04:00 PM
FoxTracks FoxTracks is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 208
Siku, I am very impressed at your willingness to have sympathy for the woman. Part of my journey was learning to have sympathy for the beings who hurt me and isolated me, manipulated me and were against me. They are often very hurt beings. Sometimes, they are attracted to you because they have a trauma that resonates with one of your traumas, and resolving that trauma makes the whole thing immensely easier.

In addition, working on self healing allows your bodies natural defenses against spiritual attatchments to kick in. It's a very helpful path!

I do worry that you are too attached to this woman, however. It's important to your health, survival, and long term sanity to live in the real world as much as possible. There is no judgement here, though. In a situation like this, you aren't always in control. You do the best you can.

Finally, I am very glad you've found some things that work for you. In my own journey, I've listened to music of a different kind that was very helpful. I also worked with crystals and objects, which turned out to be a real help, although not a cure all. Before they were truly effective, I needed a connection with deity and spiritual allies who knew how to work with them most effectively. I also couldn't over use them.

It took many different angles of attack to solve this problem for me. Expanding your toolkit is never a bad thing! If you have gained respite from this toolset, I would look for others that can help press your advantage.

I found this PDF of a book, provided by Iomax in another thread on spiritual forums, very helpful in addition to other sources and tools.
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