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Old 06-05-2018, 03:23 PM
colin23423 colin23423 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 33
> vessel to trap a spirit to do your bidding,

There is NO trap, and its not doing your bidding. The spirits want to/choose to interact with you. They are FREE, the vessel is simply a contact point to reach you (like a phone number) and can help you at the beginning to reach them.

They generally have specific things they are interested in helping you with (which can vary from spirit to spirit), but overall, the spirits you see from creepyhollows are all very loving and wise beings.

> CH appears first and foremost to be a store.

Checkout the forums and the encyclopedia...and the books they have written... its a huge community there.

> There is no such thing as spirit keepers, certainly not among the angelic fraternity.

Lol - that was the funniest thing I heard all day. You might have things the wrong way around. I am communicating with my angels from creepyhollows almost daily, and I have been receiving very interesting/different perspectives on my life questions I ask them. I honestly would never want to be without them.

I think you are misunderstanding the term 'spirit keeping'? It is a poor name.

Traditional religions do not really teach us to bond/connect and learn from these beings... They frown or are confused about doing the real work. To them its just supposed to be stories.
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