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Old 23-08-2021, 02:01 PM
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Iran violates the doctrine of Islam and fights it like the Jews and Christians
The problem has nothing to do with religious tolerance


Because God's law has no flaws in Islam
And all Muslims - rulers and ruled - must abide by the law of God Almighty in all their affairs

Muslims believe in a direct connection with the Almighty, without the need of an intercessor. The Imam is simply a leadership position, for which someone is hired or selected from among the community members. A full-time Imam may undergo special training, but this is not required.

Is Western democracy dying in Europe, A question that has become of interest to many Western thinkers, at a time when racist and extremist ideas are on the rise. From the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic, the gleam of democracy in the West is fading, and in its place are vengeful tendencies and terrifying nationalist resentments under shifting sands, giving radical ideas the foothold they need.

This is exploited by Western democracies that support tyrants and dictatorships in the Arab region, and in other regions, the most oppressive and ignorant in the world, and support them politically and security to oppress peoples. And when this “democratic” West sees that its interests are being threatened in these countries, whether by oppressed peoples, then it will deny democracy, and if its interests are threatened by parties in the authoritarian regimes themselves, then it raises the banner of “poor” democracy that has not been respected, and their interests are threatened. Moving the files of corruption and human rights files that are violated, so that the oppressed citizen in the countries of the primitive world turns into a mere tool of pressure and blackmail to secure the interests of the hateful ethnic countries, and the rights of their white peoples, who alone are worthy of enjoying the honors of the “democratic” lady.

Will the people rule?

In Western democracies, rulers come to power through elections, through nominations from their political parties. Political parties are the ones who propose names from their side to be representatives of these parties in the legislative authority, and they are elected by the people through free, fair and direct elections. This is done in all Western countries regardless of the form of government in them, whether it is a presidential government like the United States, or a ministerial government like Britain, or a mixed system like France. They say that the people have elected their representatives, and that the people participate in government and power.

But the truth is that people's exercise of their right to vote does not actually mean anything, because money centers, large industrialists and wealthy people are the ones who have the real decision in the state. They control the parties, the legislatures, the unions, and the municipalities. No one outside this system can occupy a seat in these bodies. In order to complete the lie of democracy, the media are employed here to accomplish their mission of lying, forgery and fraud. Unfortunately for democracy, the owners of wealth are the same owners of the media, and they are the ones who control the major companies that can make war and peace, they can fabricate wars to move the economic wheel, It can play with the economies as it pleases by changing or passing laws on trade or taxation. The control of capital in Western countries is the source of power. And the peoples who think that they freely elect those they chose are delusional peoples, because the truth is that those who elect are the forces that own the powerful capital.

It is a democracy that guarantees you the freedom to do what you want, but within the laws drawn by those with economic power that guide decisions, you choose by your own will what they set for you.

A petty democracy keeps society and the media preoccupied with a cat who has been run over in the public road, while not paying attention to the thousands who die in various places in this crazy world, for different reasons.

A fake democracy that is manipulated by the media and money centers, and controls its course from inside black rooms, in order to falsify facts and deceive the people, and direct public issues in a specific direction after they are dressed up in the dress of democracy, as happened in many of the major files that were revealed.


The teachings of Islam differ from the traditions and customs of the people
in Islamic countries
I am talking about the teachings of Islam
where spirituality and materialism are gathered in a harmonic mixture.