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Old 17-02-2023, 11:40 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,611
I think it is hard for us to drop everything. Almost impossible, Very rare. I've done it a few times and had these amazing experiences as a lot of people have had. Then we are back to normal consciousness experiencing this human life and emotions and feelings and thoughts and all of that. I think it takes something to do it. I'm not sure what it is called or what one is doing. It is some kind of concentration or focusing, attention and intent is involved, one's perspective is changed. One is suddenly "above" or in a higher and untouched perspective from the body/mind. Thoughts lose their reality and affects.

One answer to how is asking why instead. What am I doing that is preventing the experience of it? What is my attention on instead? Because the transcendental experience is fully here now. We don't experience it because we are focusing our experience and attention on something else, usually a idea or thought of lacking something. Thoughts like that only effect our experience because we accept them as real or from ourselves.

We let an idea of now be the now. Nothing is ever lacking or missing or needed to be found in now. Infinity is always fully here. One just needs to take the blinders off they are holding on.
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