Thread: Being a jumper
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Old 19-03-2024, 11:29 AM
SamiManifests SamiManifests is offline
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 30
You are always jumping to another parallel reality all the time; it is built-in and automatic.

The only reason you do not notice that you are shifting all the time is because the realities you keep choosing to shift to are so similar to the one you were in that you do not notice it.

If you allow yourself to shift or jump to a different enough reality from the one you are in now, then you will notice the shift.

Wondering how to allow yourself to shift to a particular place or reality as you desire? I would suggest first reading my whole article about the 13 Facts about physical reality and shifting. Then, you'll gain a new understanding of how to consciously shift to any desired place as you want.
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