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Old 17-08-2020, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by sentient
On the horizontal line (overcoming horizontal dualities) our energy fields also do overlap and one can tell a lot about the ‘other’ person by listening in on this overlap.
A sweet story about the overlap:

When one experiences ‘oneness’ with another – not sure what happens … I call it the first step on the vertical which is a spatial awareness perspective of witnessing, of seeing through both of you, yet it is neither …. It is as if “seeing everything now from the perspective of space”, (both are simultaneously attuned to).
The heart sends out an electric pulse every time the heart beats, it's not much but it's detectable just the same. The body is carbon-based so it can act as a transmitter/receiver of those pulses. And yes, just like the lad with the reindeer you can tell something of the other person's energy field, even if it's that they're not in a good place.

The Oneness you're talking about is more of a 'sixth sense' I think, we're all potentially capable of it but few seem to want to, I can't help but wonder if things would be 'more Spiritual' if we could sense each other in this way beyond differences in beliefs. Interestingly it doesn't just happen in Spirituality, it happens more often in 'real Life' when people aren't so focussed on Spirituality. Gotta love the irony, eh?

Originally Posted by sentient
Yet - ‘seeing from the perspective of space’ gives one the closest description of awareness, that is spheric (vs linear/dual consciousness), where in that “seeing” (transparency) - question and answer arise simultaneously and where the centre of that awareness – ‘the Holy World Mountain’ or the ‘Eagle Eye’ is everywhere.

I use the model of the Vesica Pisces because it's the most simple but it's actually spherical, it isn't limited to two dimensions. Well it can be but that's another discussion, I think the question in the OP is trying to move on from two-dimensional thinking. Consciousness encompasses so while there is a centre of awareness - the Vesica Pisces in either 2D or 3D - there is also another dimension beyond the question, the answer and the awareness.

In Africa they have a saying - "I am because we are." That says it better than all of the Spiritual technobabble I've seen so far and that's at the heart of this discussion. Oneness is because Maya is; Maya is a manifestation of Oneness while Oneness is emergent of Maya, both at the same time.
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