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Old 16-03-2020, 12:36 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by pinkskymelody
It's been months and I apologize for the very late response but yes. I miss that site so much. It was my go-to for Starseed stuff.
Hi I am also from apollonia as planetary origin. And I resonate with allot that you said. I have never known fully what that means. But it does feel a bit as if I'm always ahead or waaay out there, like the first landing on the moon, and being ahead in my journey, always on the leading edge of thought. Often feeling like the experiences I've gone through, leave behind a trail in time and space that humanity is constantly catching up to. Always going deeper and deeper into the nature of reality. And always all inclusive all beings and becomings evermore here and now. As all the evermore appreciation of all the variety of all that exists. And taking thought beyond that which it has ever been before.

After I identified apollonia on planetary origin, I found a channeling which I was searching for, from apollonia, very rare and unique. I am going to search for it if I may hopefully find it again to share it here.
I found it:
I agree with the centering the center chakra, base chakra, alignment with soul, energy motional, thought and emotion and body. Everything. As I opened my third eye for a few seconds before even listening to that chakra video. And I agree with the channeling. Only when everything is in alignment, and even then third eye may open, but if resistance is activated it also instantly vanishes, and if it would not, it would be very uncomfortable. For me. I saw a small cute spider waving. And thats it. I was not ready, because it requires unconditional love and joy for me to really allow all that, to appreciate it unconditionally. As it can be extremely energetically backfiring if I'm not capable of flowing all that energy of pure third eye vision. It's not just third eye vision. IT's every single sense. touch smell taste. And distorting perception even slightly, causes huge backlash. Needs absolute alignment.

Oh my god, I remember alpha centauri being mentioned or some kind of name like that, which was expressed by Bashar, darryl anka, as the first planet which we will become their first visitors. Just like the Yahyel will be ours. And I've had a dream of it or about it. As I was in a woman's body looking in the mirror, on another planet, and suddenly realising who I was as me, but also as me, as the person who is actually lying in bed, which is who I am, which is who I also was, which is male. This planet, bashar mentioned its name. And the name was fitting to my dream, as a very militaristic technologically evolved planet, very metallic, reminds me of "Cyberpunk 2077" but less colorful in my dream. Lots of crates. Metalic. I saw into my own eyes as her, dirty mirror like an abandoned bar bathroom.

I'm not sure about the variety of their species and what they mean by it. As they also mention a cosmic interweb. And I've been thinking allot about the technological appearance and behaviour of spiders. As I know animal phobia often reflect a great deal about the persons own true nature. As people who are afraid of butterflies look like butterfly and behave as such, many examples of that. And so the variety of species, as they mention, might very well be technological. AS they are technologically advanced as they say. But they may have a complete different version of what they mean by variety of species. As they may be very technological in their variety. Or my dream was simply just a dream and nothing about alpha centauri. But they do say they are very technologically advanced. And they do mention they don't want to startle us with their own sharing of this variety of species. As for some reason, anything technological often makes me feel very fearful and uncomfortable. So my appreciation of this planet and its nature is great.

And suddenly I find videos on youtube of "how we're going to get to alpha centauri."

Well, that's basically all I got. So what does being apollonia planetary origin mean to you?

I've not got any information on my other lives. But I see this mostly as connections I am making from this life. Here and now.

Tho that name, I can't recall it. It was very likely that the person who asked about it was also apollonian origin. Soooo vague recollection. A name that sounds some B and Z and Y and M. and R. And these are wild guesses of sounds that I vaguely recall in non linear order. Would be so freaky if far into the future I am old and I go to this planet with that name, and lol meet that person who I dreamed about being as her. Would be hilarious. But abraham hicks says we go there through the birth canal. So if a space ship is gonna go there ever, after the yahyel are here, we go there through source. So I don't know it matters how we call it, birth canal or worm hole, by the time we have acces to source, words wont matter that much anyway. We got acces to infinite intelligence. I don't think we will call a space ship anything other than a planet. So not to get lost in translation by reaching too far waaaay out there in my thought. As it is all simply being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly here and now. Where all that exists, is being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly here and now.

And really, if all these different people are here, I think we're in for something big and good. As I've only got good news of what is to come. Just the yahyel alone and their messages are amazing and mindblowing, wooh. I am seeing so much evidence of their arrival. Not from them. From the actions of our own humanity. For all the good we've set forth. As all that is yet more to come.
Sharing perspective.
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