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Old 26-02-2016, 12:46 AM
Somnia Somnia is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: East Texas
Posts: 1,375
Oh yes, in my personal experience my shyness was heavily tied to fear. Fear of being judged when people were looking/staring at me. Not knowing what the other person was thinking about me caused me extreme anxiety. This was mostly from strangers but once I got to know someone I felt more relaxed an open. The not knowing, the unknown, greatly terrified me as a child/young teen.

Now that I'm older I'm not nearly as shy as I was when I was younger. Learning I no longer need to fear what other people think of me. Learning to be who I really am and realizing you're not going to get along with everyone and not everyone will like you. Keep holding love for yourself and show love for others and it will attract love to you. To not worry what other people think about you because the only person who really matters what you think of yourself *is* yourself. :)

I have my soul-friend to thank for being the catalyst in overcoming this fear of mine. We are no longer in touch and haven't been for several years (not since the 9th grade in public school when I briefly lived in Utah for 9 months), but I am very grateful to her for helping me see the way. It's taken a lot of practice and self-growth for me to have the level of confidence in myself I have now. It is an extremely liberating feeling.
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