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Old 31-08-2020, 01:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BigJohn
Very rarely, a person who comes thru me and speaks a different dialect and talks with his hand which is not my dominate hand.

So, I would say "YES" to your question.
Thank you, have you given your permission for it to happen or it just happens?

my ex was actually one of the few people i know to be perfectly polite in all his drunkenness, one time he got dead drunk after a fight (the fight was so much my fault) and had been looking for me and when we found each other (i was sober but in tears and was the one who had said some stupid things and wanted to apologize) he was the nicest there was, and just wanted to know if i was ok, and i had to return home soon after that, we did not live together then, but then after our break up i would hear stories of him being obnoxious and getting in fights and ask to leave places and i was surprised he could get like that. he would too forget his girlfriend in places and start to hang out with other people (not women) and that too would never happen, but i don't know, if he did channel, then he have somewhat improved over there i guess back to his old ways.
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