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Old 20-06-2011, 05:53 PM
Posts: n/a
I believe that the other side will seem just as real, or even more so, than this life. And that this life is in preparation for the next life. This side is only a holographic projection from the other side. Dr. Craig Hogan, the director of Fermilab recently made the statement in an online article that he believes we live in a holographic universe. He also said that a holographic projection has a certain inherent degree of blurriness; perhaps this is why so many near death experiencers say that the other side seemed even more real and more clear than this side?

Perhaps the other side is the holographic film and this side is the projection and after our physical body dies our consciousness or soul simply migrates or projects to the original holographic film from when this side arises?

We are simply spiritual beings having a physical experience. The knowledge or information we are gathering here can be used on the other side to create whatever reality we might wish to experience through the process of thoughts being things or consciousness creating reality.

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