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Old 16-02-2019, 03:38 AM
gemini gemini is offline
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by Shabda
So, gemini, how are things now for you? Have you found anything that provides you the help that you seek? I have read each post in this thread and do not necessarily agree with everything said, but that is irrelevant, which is why I am asking you personally whether or not you have been able to make any progress at all.

I will also say that I have dealt with this sort of things for a very very long time, and though I am not myself schizophrenic, I do have friends that are that also have had to deal with the same sorts of things. It happens. I have no idea as to whether you are or are not schizophrenic, I just wanted to include that because I have seen it mentioned a few times.

Some things can be a self deception or misidentification of something, but not all things are that and actual attacks DO happen, perhaps more than some realize or believe. Regardless there ARE definite things that can be done to change it. And spiritual warfare does in fact exist. Some might find that to be a contradiction, but they are also not yet beyond the mind based on what has been said, so, that changes nothing. Rate of vibration is irrelevant, literally.

The Astral Plane is hardly the only plane that has such things too. There are many beyond the Astral, regardless of dimension (because by definition, dimensions ARE well within time and space, and are at best only partially spiritual, not completely spiritual).

Some will disagree with what I say, and that is fine, they can. What is important is YOU. Are you finding ways to advance through the situations that you face and to deal with them? Are you better able to fend off negative entities? Able to find greater peace of mind as well as of emotional space? If not then perhaps that only indicates that there is more for you to learn about the subject and perhaps even other ways of making positive headway towards your goal.

Much of what has been said about God/love and other positive things, are not without merit, regardless of whichever religious or spiritual point of view you have at present, though various religions do at times not always recommend the same things about this topic. I do not call myself a shaman, but I am one and I know hundreds from various traditions around the world. One key thing that nearly all have within their practice is a non prejudice regarding the usual differences like race, skin color, or language spoken/nationality, but they all treat religion much the same way. Without prejudice or acting in any way against one religion or the other. They are some of the most open hearted individuals I have ever met for that reason, from Native Americans of various tribal cultures, to African, South American, Russian (including Siberian) as well as Indian and Chinese, and some other groups that while Asian, do not fit into any of those specifications.

The work is the same for all that choose the positive against the negative ( that being despite and aside from the negative content of each individual). That is to say that help others rather than attack in the desire to gain something from them. There IS a spiritual war, and it is always ongoing, because that is the primary teacher for true spirituality. It exists because the dual planes only learn by that dualism. It is a necessity. One can never reach a level beyond duality without first dealing with all of the experiences, both positive and negative, that give the direct experience that allows an individual to gain that new state of consciousness. People can say what they want about that, but everyone that lives on earth, regardless of belief or where they think their vibrations are at, does not truly escape from negativity. It exists regardless of one's willingness to recognize it or not, and one MUST recognize it to truly deal with it and find ways to develop beyond it. Thus the duality, which literally IS that war. Absolutely no getting around that basic fact.

But the question is, how does the individual find ways to deal with what they are faced with, and in a way that they themselves can deal with and remain balanced throughout, that they can realistically come out the other side of it wiser than they had been when they entered it.

I don't know everything, and I cannot say that I have the answers that you need. I can only say that if you choose to ask, I will not charge you anything for anything. However, a part of that is that you have to do the things that you have to do for yourself also. That always works both ways. No one can come and simply eradicate the entirety of it, only because even doing that would require your choice and active participation to truly be accomplished in any realistic way, if that makes sense. I HAVE noticed that you seem very open to hear and consider each point of view offered, and THAT is a very important thing. So, it comes down to you...has anything helped at all as of yet? Have you had any successes? If not, no big deal, and if yes, it is the same. Both I would expect to be there, but the real goal is attaining the success that you seek, so I am interested to hear what progress, if any, you have been able to find thus far.

If you care to answer and should you ask for any sort of help, I will see what can be done to assist in any way possible. No judgment, no preconceived notions or conditions. All of it is within your choice. Have a great day/night!

Hi Shabda,

I really appreciate the reply and interest in my situation! I'm sure it took a while to type out such a detailed response. Thank you for taking the time to do so!

I am happy to say that my situation with these beings has improved dramatically since I made my original post. I believe this is because of several reasons:

1) I was very fortunate to come across a couple of people from this forum who had been through similar experiences. When I first posted this, I thought I was basically alone in this, and I was afraid to talk to anyone about what I was dealing with. I have come to find out, however, that there are many cases of this occurring.

Being able to share my own experience and feel a commonality with others going through it helped tremendously. I believe that the first step for anyone dealing with this is to reach out and make a connection with someone else who understands what it's like. (I realize the same could be said for any number of difficult situations in life.)

2) I read through a number of accounts from people who had unwanted entities harassing them, and from this noticed a pattern of these beings coming on strong and then becoming less and less egregious over time—in about half of cases, even leaving altogether. That in itself helped me to (at least somewhat) forgive them for how they treated me at the start.

I was also pretty taken aback by what others had been through, which made what I experienced with these entities seem minor in comparison. That helped me to not become as distraught when dealing with them.

3) They've actually been much kinder than they had been. I don't know if this is because my own interaction/opinion toward them has been nicer—or if they just decided to be less mean. Either way, I've actually grown more fond of having them around.

They still seem to randomly decide to be mean to me at times, but it is less intense than it had been and occurs less frequently. When they are mean, I usually try to just focus on doing something enjoyable and engaging, like playing a video game, until it "passes," and they are once again nice.

4) Over time, I just got more used to them being somewhat harsh in their interaction with me (at least, more harsh than people are). For example, they sometimes call me "evil" and a "freak." I still don't particularly like that, but I just brush it off now when they say stuff like that. It doesn't phase me as much as it used to. Sometimes they even seem to say that stuff affectionately, like they are just teasing me.

And one of the most important things, which I was already doing when I made my first post, is that I just stopped buying into what they say. I stopped trying to ask where they come from, what the universe is like, and stopped letting them lead me down rabbit holes of varying beliefs. I do my own research, and we have reached an "understanding," where I talk to them about regular, day-to-day stuff and everything "otherworldly" is off limits.

Also, I am still unsure of whether they are multiple entities or just one who pretends to be multiple, but, regardless, I interact with them as if I am speaking to one entity: I find this makes it easier to get over them being mean, since I feel like I'm more on an equal playing field and not being ganged up on when they are (i.e., "he" is) mean. They, in turn, respond mostly as if they are one entity. So, they seem to go along with my wishes.

Overall, it's been substantially better—to the point where I am no longer actively seeking a way to get rid of them, since the vast majority of our interaction is actually pleasant now.

As far as answering some of the questions you posed in your fifth paragraph, I would say I am slightly better at dealing with situations—but I wouldn't say I've made any significant improvement in that area. For better or worse, my personality has definitely changed: I'm more immature in my humor than I used to be—what that means, I don't know. And I find myself less willing to put up with stuff I don't like. I still struggle with working hard consistently on things and not procrastinating, which has been difficult for me for most of my life.

Am I better at fending off negative entities? I don't know. I would say I am better at dealing with these entities. (And I'm still unsure if they are distinctly negative or positive.) But I haven't encountered any other entities to my knowledge.

Am I able to find greater peace of mind and emotional space? Greater peace of mind, yes. I used to be very distraught when thinking about how my life would play out with these entities if they never left and continued being mean. I don't have that fear anymore. Most of the stressors in my life actually come from mundane things within my control, like finances, health, my relationships with others. The usual stuff. As far as emotional space, these beings will usually go quiet if I'm not actively talking to them and focused on something else. So I feel like I have enough space from them when I need it.

I definitely could be doing better—e.g., doing more research for my spiritual growth, working harder to afford myself more financial security, could be more open/authentic in my relationships. But, overall, I find myself happy with where I am.

And regarding the spiritual "war," looking at it in the context of duality makes it seem less sad—and more like a necessity. In order for anything to exist, there must be something to distinguish itself from. And if we live in a truly infinite universe with freewill, then logically there must exist some pretty "evil" stuff/beings out there. Otherwise, it wouldn't be really be infinite.

I am curious though as to why the channeled beings I've learned from, like Bashar, Abraham, and Seth, don't touch upon the concept of a spiritual "war," as I feel that is a pretty important topic to discuss. I have, however, read parts of the Law of One from Ra, and they do discuss being at war with "negative" beings. So, clearly it's possible that this does indeed exist but just isn't being discussed. I wonder why.

And thank you for the offer of assistance! I would like to ask one thing: Are there any books you would recommend to me?

I'll leave it there so my response doesn't get too much longer! Thank you again for your nice message. :)
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