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Old 21-12-2022, 08:16 PM
boyce boyce is offline
Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 289
The SNU defines certain, required standards from the mediums working in its national network of churches. There should be no strange things from any of its mediums.

The Union declares: "The main aim of mediumship is to provide evidence of survival of the human personality beyond physical death." It goes on to say: "The main purpose of mediumship is to provide evidence that can be proof of survival to the recipient, not to predict the future, not to give advice and not to counsel. Mediumship is a means of enabling people in the spirit world, to communicate with us, thus enabling us to gain an understanding that the spirit of every person survives physical death."

It further states: "A medium’s primary purpose is to identify the spirit person who is communicating with them. It is expected that the communicator will provide a combination of personal information about themselves so that the recipient can identify them." (Another important function of mediumship is in spiritual healing.)

For me the Union's simple principles underpin my own understanding but mediums who are not associated with the SNU are entitled to include "telling the future"or to refer to sitters' previous lives in their own mediumship if they wish. It should be remembered that psychics may be mistaken for mediums.

It's plain, though, that in some parts of the world mediumship is seen very differently from the way many in the United Kingdom see it.
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