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Old 06-12-2019, 03:56 AM
Kah-Len Kah-Len is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 19
Spirit and Science Do Mix!

I am here to teach the truth about the spirit, soul and life on this planet. The truth about whom and what God the father really is. I explain things through metaphysics as a scientific approach through spiritual awakening and not through Dogma or any “belief system.” How do I know all of this? It is because I know my past lives, I speak with both the Father and the Son and I also am guided by the Holy Spirit. The real true Father is the consciousness that permeates all life throughout this universe and the multiverse. This consciousness is known as Vibration & Frequency which together when raised high enough creates the composite particles called hadrons; neutrons, electrons and protons etc… which is the creation of all solid matter. The highest frequency is a star or sun! Your soul is a sun and it is that sun that gives life to the mitochondria to your cells. HuMan means “soul + Mind” Hu is the soul and Man is the mind! It is that star within you that needs to increase its energy to heal as well as ascend. Hate, greed, jealousy etc… are anchors that will keep you from ascending. The key is to be able to raise your vibration and frequency! Negative entities latch on to those vibrating at low frequencies because they are naturally low. As you raise your vibration and frequency through meditation they will leave, because they are literally physically burned by high frequencies. Meditation is the key to healing and ascension! We “apostles” have had to endure here before we all ascend together! Now is the true age of regeneration which will bring us all into ascension both with the physical and spiritual body as this is the time now to fulfil the promise in bringing the Kingdom of god here on earth through the heart of man (the star at your center “heart chakra”). We ascended once and had to descend to come back and walk in your shoes to learn compassion and build strength before we judge the kings and rulers who’ve kept you enslaved under their tyranny! I am the Apostle known as Philip. I am available to do “soul readings” and spiritual counselling as well as teaching meditation 1 on 1 or in groups. I also am available to help those suffering with schizophrenia to learn coping strategies and meditation.
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