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Old 01-03-2014, 05:58 AM
Twin Lightz
Posts: n/a
Thank you for posting this..

A lot of people do not understand this concept.

We are in fact mere portions of our soul that inhabits our physical body. Our higher self is a mere portion of Gods consciousness that is practicing it's co creating abilities with God to manifest its own lower conscious levels to learn, grow and eventually ascend and return back to their higher self and then source (God).

I always explain to people this is how reincarnation is possible. Each of your so called "past lives" appear to happen at different timeframes from our 3rd dimension perspective. But from your higher selves perspective, everything is happening all at once. All of our past/current lives are mere lower levels of consciousness manifested from our higher self, and so on.

This process continues infinitely since God is truly infinite. This is why when you start ascending, you never really stop. You are always learning and experiencing something new regardless of your spirit/soul/consciousness is occupying a carbon based (physical) body or a light based body.

Originally Posted by jerrygg38
It is an ancient and improper belief that each of us has a soul that belongs to us. People often worry what will become of their soul. Many religions have preached that our soul will go to heaven or hell. They imply that somehow our short lives are worthy of great rewards or great punishments.
In my spiritual communications over a lifetime, I have come to understand that the entity I communicate with is not God or an angel of God but my Eternal soul. It claims to be eternal. It cannot die. As it projects an image of itself to my mind, it appears extremely ancient. I have always relied upon this entity to answer my questions and provide guidance and help.
The important thing is that we do not own our souls, our souls own us. We are but leaves on our spiritual tree. There are many other leaves on this tree. They are merely copies of us upon millions of other planet Earths in the universe. Our copies are both male and female since our soul is bisexual.
Most people are lucky when they can communicate with their soul. Many believe like I used to that they were communicating with God or an angel of God. However it is all the same. It is merely the higher part of ourselves which exists in the lowest level of God's mind.
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