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Old 26-09-2016, 10:45 AM
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Divine guidance - 40 Time
Tick tock.......time is a non replaceable commodity. In youth we feel we have eternity in this lifetime. In later years we realise we how little of it we have. This week asks you to consider what you are spending this limited resource on. Are you getting all you can from every moment or are you spending too much time on things that really don't matter?

Main theme - Knight of Coins
Choose your battles wisely is the theme for Capricorn this week. There is little desire to go rushing around trying to conquer every last thing. Don't waste time on things that are, in reality, trivial. You may even find that you want to free up more time for the pursuit of happiness.

Assisting energy - XXI The World.
A sense of wholeness, of being complete. Knowing where you stand now, you can see the 'big picture'. This is a great time for taking stock over everything in life.

Thwarting energy - XIV Temperance
Trying to allot time like an equation, as though there is a formula to how your time should be spent. Do you feel that your time should be allocated into slots, work/play, friends/family. Nobody wants their legacy to be that their CD collection was alphabeticalised according artist and sub sectioned by genre.
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