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Old 30-12-2010, 02:24 PM
Shen Mashel
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Xan
These are good questions, 3d.

Another way of understanding how neutral the universe/God is, is IT responds with 'yes' to everything. It is only mirroring our beliefs and expectations back to us, through the experiences of our lives. What we put out comes back to us, one way or another. This is our creative power, manifesting unconsciously.

So when we have negative patterns of thought, belief and feeling - conscious or unconscious - the universe reflects it.
This can be very frustrating until we realize that we are merely seeing what calls for healing and release. And recognize that we grow and evolve the most from our challenges.

Then we may learn how to truly change our minds and feeling patterns, and existence mirrors our new view of ourselves and of life.

Then we may go for discovering our true nature, and gradually rise above all mind patterns by surrendering into that pure awareness and love.

Any beliefs that 'God' doesn't accept us, or that God's love is conditional, are false. This is how we project our own limited human ability to accept and love onto infinite beingness.

Instead, we may become aware of and allow the pure love and total acceptance that is inherent in all existence... within us



I have to agree again with everything you have said.
God's love is unconditional and i know it so well.And also by really merging with your inner self after a road of inner discovery is something so incredible.Believe it :)
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