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Old 13-04-2023, 11:08 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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For me also very similar to AngelBlue.
Exception is that I've learnt energy tools years ago (through intuitive dev. courses) and it doesn't take me days to recover any longer. Sometimes mere minutes. Also means certain things no longer affect me or not so intense.
The refraction has improved tremendously!

Compassion is higher vibrational. That was my first feeling & understanding.
Many people can empathise yet they aren't very high vibrational. You cannot really be low vibrational and express & feel genuine compassion.
Googled it, and yup...

Can you be empathetic but not compassionate?
Empathy and compassion are very different. They are represented in different areas of the brain. With empathy, we join the suffering of others who suffer, but stop short of actually helping. With compassion, we take a step away from the emotion of empathy and ask ourselves 'how can we help?

Exactly how I felt about it. People who empathise often lower their vibration unconsciously because they're affected by something unpleasant that happened (to someone else) and then end up feeling **** themselves.
When you feel compassion this does NOT happen, your vibration stays high, which is why you then are able to help and desire to do so.
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