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Old 09-06-2020, 12:50 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,729
Your welcome :)

I have been empathic all my life and find it hard to be in large crowds of people. I pick up others emotions and internalize it and think they are mine. It can be very confusing. If someone is having strong emotions around me, I have to leave the room sometimes because it is too intense. It took me a long time to realize what was going on with me, that not everyone feels that way about other peoples emotions.

I gave this wonderful gift to my children, who are way more psychic than I, and it has been a very interesting wild ride. They are beautiful souls who have taught me a lot about myself and seem to be able to handle it a lot better than I. But it is helpful to know that I do have ways of coping and realizing it is not my energy or my feeling that I am picking up on.

Life is a journey but it helps to find out that other people are dealing with these things and there are many ways to learn about how to do that.

My family are also energy workers and can pick up on energy. My daughters are Reiki masters and I would consider my husband a reiki master. I have learned a lot about energy and how I can affect the energy in my body, but I haven't the same intuitions, or at least as strong, as they at detecting it, but Reiki is fun and something you might want to explore as it sounds like you are or could be an energy worker.

Have fun learning about it!
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