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Old 04-07-2022, 12:08 PM
Panorama361 Panorama361 is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 33
Originally Posted by Sir Neil
Law of Attraction isn’t the only spiritual law of the Universe. There are many others, and another one is the Law of Reflection. Everything and everyone in the world is a reflection of us and the energies we are putting out.
Hey Sir Neil, Yeah, I've actually heard of those kind of laws, like the Law of Reflection and so on. And this has actually come up a few times where I was asked if I was doing something on my end to attract narcissistic people.

But, the thing is, I've also heard from many spiritual practitioners that narcissistic people are simply just naturally attracted to empathic people, like myself, simply because the light that we carry is like a goldmine of energy to them. So it's basically like having a bright red target on our backs simply for being so empathic.

I guess I'm just searching for, you know, some peace of mind and the reassurance that my basic protection spells that I do once a week, is enough to shield myself from unwanted ill intent from people, in general, but especially from a practicing Wiccan female with ill intent since, again, females are far more gifted spiritually than men. I've also heard it's really hard for men to undo curses by women haha

Anyway, I don't even think I'd be this worked up about all of this if a certain family member wasn't into the whole Wiccan thing haha
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