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Old 24-11-2022, 03:46 PM
O K Viswanath
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by charly233
I feel that duality is ultimately separation from God..... Whilst this separation is an illusion it serves the function of positing god as "other" so that she or he may be worshipped and adored as if she was separate.

Okay. So, this positing serves a purpose. Fine.
Now, do you feel that Duality(as "other") is there in real Devotion? Isn't devotees lose the identity of "I"(subject) and only God remains in pure devotion?
(Isn't pure devotion - Thinking God, Singing about God, Loving God, Serving God, God-God-God, and NO conscious of "I/me"?)

Also, just because this illusionizing serves the purpose, does that mean duality is there? Are we comparing "Real Duality" with "No/Non-Duality" (or) comparing "Illusionized Duality" with "Non-Duality", and say both are there?
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