Thread: The Nag Hammadi
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Old 30-05-2022, 06:20 AM
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Living life certainly isn't easy and there is so much going on on the planet right now! I initially thought that i was done and had brought up most nearly everything that we are experiencing in this reality and in the world today but there are still things some things worth mentioning here. Its easy to see all the evil in the world and put a caster on evil people who are doing evil things, crimes against humanity and etc but we need to realize that what we see on the outside world is a mirror projection of what is inside! We are not inherently evil as spiritual beings having a physical experience and we would not act upon are very dark sides but this trait (evil) "does" exist within us! I often emphasize that what we are stuck in here on earth is something we collectively as a mass consciousness agreed to. The forces that rule this world need our consent for them to do what they are doing to us and since we never protested against certain things on a smaller level and never asked for help on a mass consciousness level the responsibility for our current situation falls on us. True change will occur in the world when we create it! If evil didn't exist and wasn't so apparent then we wouldnt be able to see it!we would even be We can disagree and send a thought out into the universe stating that we dont agree to what is being done to us on the planet right now however on a mass consciousness level things certain things have been set in place to ensure that polarity is kept intact and since humans are naturally afraid of death which is a program this has been, can and will be used on us. If we dont know what this trap consists of and who's running things and why then how do we know who we are, where we come from and where we are going!?

Truth is not something that is easy to come by here and in regards to the nag hammadi texts as i mentioned previously it is written mostly in metaphors and allegories and cant be taken literally. Also the texts have been corrupted by hermetic teachings and insertions over time so discernment when going through them is key. An example of this would be the use of the words "Worship", "Lord" and "Savior"!

Narcissism, THE biggest problem in the world today

If you lived through the 80's like i did up to today then you certainly have noticed the rapid advancement of technology and the increase of narcissism in the world. This increase according to psychologist is linked to social media and this is spot on! There are subcategories of narcissism such as those of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) but rather make a subject like this way more complex i'll just address it as narcissism as a whole. In a world where everything is about me, me, me, look at "my" life, look at how happy "i" am and so on, its become a recurring theme! Very rarely do these people who frequent social media such as facebook, twitter and instagram show who they truly are and its a facade! In todays society "everything" is based off looks and this is the grim reality of this world. Its not very important as we need to focus on ourselves and not care about societal standards or norms because thsi construct is setup in such a way that we think that its just a human way of life. This is not the case and there are so many avenues when developing in life that this type of thinking will only make us fall for the illusions that we are being presented with as life. The archons themselves are narcissistic and thus they want us humans to become like them, the archons! It is said that narcissist are fragmented so much to a degree that they lose parts of they're overall core being. More about trauma and soul fragmentation later.

Sakla said to the great demon Nebruel, "Let the twelve aeons come into being in the [...] aeon, worlds [...]." [...] the great angel Sakla said by the will of the Autogenes, "There shall be the [...] of the number of seven [...]." And he said to the great angels, "Go and let each of you reign over his world." Each one of these twelve angels went forth.

The Gospel of The Egyptians

Yaldaboath has many many names which are also titles, alter egos, personae and avatars here on earth and he is frequently mentioned here and not for any other reason than to reveal his darkness (ignorance)! He himself is spirited and he is a half creation but is seemingly leading more towards science and technology.

Yadabaoth united with the thoughtlessness (aponoia) within him.
He begot ruling authorities (exousia) Modeling them on the incorruptible realms above.

The first is Athoth, the second is Harmas [called the eye of flame], the third is Kalilaumbri, the fourth is Yabel, the fifth is Adonaiu [called Sabaoth], the sixth is Cain [called the sun] the seventh is Abel ,the eighth is Abrisene, the ninth is Yobel, the tenth is Armupiel, the eleventh is Melcheir-adonein, the twelfth is Belias who rules over the very depth of Hades.

He made the first seven rulers to reign in the seven spheres of heaven. He made the next five rulers to reign in the five depths of the abyss. He shared a portion of his fire with them but shared none of the power of Light he had received from his mother.

[He is ignorant darkness. When the Light mingled into the darkness the darkness shone. When darkness mixed with the Light, the Light diminished,
No longer Light nor darkness but dim.]

The Secret Book of John

Here the Secret book of John is talking about (Yaldaboath) creating his offspring and his closest cohorts! He copied what he saw in his vision in the waters which were manifestations created by Source or All That Is called aeons which are advanced thoughtforms of The Monad, androgynous and twelve in number! Seven Overlords to rule over the celestial bodies and dimensions (also called heavens) there within and five to rule over over The Underworld (earth) and the abyss respectively. Since he did not share his fire (spirit) with them they can never fully know or understand they're father, they're creator because they lack this themselves!

Earth, The World and realm of The Rulers

Here are the seven Authorities’ names and physical forms:
First, Athoth with a sheep’s face, Second, Eloaios with a donkey’s face, Third, Astaphaios with a hyena’s face, Fourth, Yao with the face of a seven headed snake, Fifth, Sabaoth who has the face of a dragon, Sixth, Adonin whose face is that of a monkey, Seventh, Sabbataios with a face of flame and fire.

These are the seven of the week. These Authorities rule the world!

When she saw the evil that had taken place and the theft of light that her son had committed, She repented. In the darkness of ignorance. She began to forget. She began to be ashamed. But she could not yet return above
Yet she began to move. And so she moved back and forth. She repented and wept furiously. All of the divine realms (pleroma) heard her repentant prayer
They sought blessing for her from the Invisible Virgin Spirit. The Spirit consented. He poured the Holy Spirit over her. Brought forth from the whole full realm.

This world is not our world nor is it our original home..This planet is the realm of The Archons and everything here withers away and dies! A conflict or even a war can erupt here at any moment and as Thoth's most famous quote goes "As above so below"! It wasnt originally this way and the learning lessons in the form of traumatic events is not the way its suppose to be. When Sophia (Pistis) saw what her unexpected creation was doing she knew he was creating polarity and he would use polarization to dichotomize good and evil. She knew where this was headed so she repented! Now the part of Yaldaboath that is spirited needs to be redeemed so that she can return to what the gnostics call the Pleroma (fullness) in whole. This subsequently has to do with end times as i see no redemption coming from Yaldaboath/Lucifer at this current time period.

Near the beginning!

Then came a voice from the highest realms saying:

“The Man exists! And the Son of Man!”

Yaldabaoth, chief ruler, heard it, he thought it came from his mother
He did not know the true source of the voice: The Holy Mother-Father Perfect Providence, Image of the Invisible, Father of Everything In whom everything has come to be. The First Man [This is the one who appeared to them.
He appeared in the form of a human being.]

All of the realm of the chief ruler quaked! The foundations of the abyss moved!

He illuminated the waters above the world of matter, His image shown in those waters.

All the demons and the first ruler together gazed up Toward the underside of the newly shining waters. Through that light they saw the Image in the waters.

The Secret Book Of John

Christ appeared to The Archons in the form of a human being so it can be said that Christ is the first man, the original Adam!

The Archons who not only witnessed those who were more powerful than they were knew that Yaldaboath was not the only God and they laughed at the Chief Creator and said that he is not the highest God! They said "Is this not the God who came to ruin our work"!? He said "Yes but if wish he not be able to ruin our work, come let us make a human according to the image of our bodies and according to the likeness of this being so that when he sees his likeness he will be enamored to it, then he will no longer be able to ruin our work but we will make all those born from the light our servants until all the time of this age!

I asked the Savior, “Lord, isn’t it the serpent that caused Adam to eat?”

He smiled and replied, The serpent caused them to eat in order to produce the wickedness of the desire to reproduce that would make Adam helpful to him.”

The chief ruler, Yaldabaoth, knew that. Because the light-filled Epinoia within Adam made his mental abilities greater than his own, Adam had been disobedient.

In order to recover the Power that he had put into Adam
Yaldabaoth made Adam completely forgetful.

[I asked the Savior, “What is it to be ‘completely forgetful?’”

He replied, “It is not what Moses wrote in his first book: He caused Adam to fall into deep sleep’ Rather, Adam’s perceptions were veiled
And he became unconscious. As he (Yaldabaoth) said through his prophet: I will make their minds dull so that they do not see or understand.'”]

Contrary to what is said in the bible Cain and Abel did not come from Adam and the nag hammadi texts say regarding this..

The Chief Archon saw the young woman who was standing by Adam. He realized that the light-filled Epinoia of life was within her. Yaldabaoth became completely ignorant.

[When the Providence of all saw what was going to happen
She sent assistants to remove Divine Life from Eve.]

Yaldabaoth raped Eve.
She bore two sons.

[Elohim was the name of the first. Yahweh was the name of the second.
Elohim has a bear’s face. Yahweh has a cat’s face. One is righteous; One is not. Yahweh is righteous; Elohim is not. Yahweh would command fire and wind Elohim would command water and earth.]

Yaldabaoth deceptively named the two: Cain and Abel.

[From then until now sexual intercourse has persisted
Thanks to the Chief Rule who put desire for reproduction into the woman who accompanies Adam. Through intercourse the Ruler caused new human bodies to be produced And he blew his artificial spirit into each of them.]

Yaldabaoth installed the two with authority over natural elements
So they can to rule over the tomb. pretended to favor Abel when in fact he indeed favored Cain and it was a setup and Cain murdered his brother Abel!

The Orions enemy #1

There is alot of stigma regarding The Orions here on earth and although this is not something necessarily important now depending on perspective it will be at some point in the future! Everywhere in the new Age circles and in UFOlogy The Orions are put in a negative light and seen as the bad guys! Here in the patrix friends of humanity have been depicted as enemies and vice versa. Other names for The Orions are The Evil Reptillians, The Orion Group and other demeaning terms used to describe these higher angelics. Certain names of the Orion 's have been hijacked as well and as a result they're names get butchered by The Annunaki/Archons!The last time The Orions were here on earth was when Christ descended here a second time right before The Deluge around 13,000 years ago and he brought Saboath/Prince En.lil Jr (Ninurta) and some star races from Vega with him and as they approached the spirited humans to get them to wake up this triggered The Titanmonchy aka War of The Titans spoken of in greek mythology! Christ thus descended here three different times however neither he (Christ) nor Orion will be coming back to this current earth construct. They will not be returning! The next consummation or end of a grand cycle will be the very last one and there will be no more after this. The Singularity is THE agenda for The Elites and the (interdimensional) beings above them who run the show here on earth. Its they're number one priority right now. The other major agenda has to do with Yaldaboath taking his Empire (Luciferian) and taking over Orion (the greater universe) by force! Again these have to do with end times where souls will be used for a very sinister purpose..All in all is put in a relatively good light and seen as good while his brother (actually Saboath is his son) Prince En.lil Jr is the bad guy and the angry YHWH/Jehova..Its an inversion of the truth!

The Tunnel of Light deception

I argue and emphasize in various capacities that the trap we are in here on earth extends out into the astral realms and that the manipulation of human souls continue in the astral! The tunnel with the white light at the end of it is talked about and discussed from NDE's, OBE's and regression therapy sessions where they describe this very thing. Usually during the sessions a spirit guide or guides are present and this is talked about in these accounts. Its no coincidence at all that there have been numerous "tunnel with the white light at the end of it" references in the media in the last two years. This is something that the Elites want to stick within the human mass consciousness and its purpose is being helped fulfilled with technology.

Whatever you do after your physical body has expired,


The tunnel of light which has a gravitational pull most likely will have souls who "choose" to go to it will lead to a recycling center where the soul after haven gone through will most likely be poised to live out the same lifetime and likely to make the same choices and decisions. The afterlife scenarios we are given is the religious heavens or the ascension to the 5th dimension! I argue that these dimensions/heavens are apart of the trap and part of what the gnostics call the kenoma or patrix! More freedoms perhaps but still a trap! This option or choice is not desirable for a soul with spirit attached that wishes to be "free"! Instead of gravitating towards the tunnel or if a guide or any being otherwise says they want to help you "cross over" then its best to just ignore these beings and with the power of thoughts that you have see yourself to your Higher Self by stating so in your mind (the mind is not the brain but is apart of your soul/spirit/mind).

Its important to understand that reincarnation is "not" a natural process, its done with technology and the purpose to trap and control! If a soul chooses to go towards the tunnel of light they will most likely either experience the same lifetime all over again or they will be shot down (with technology) into a body at random..In these instances the soul has no say so in the manner..

Then others from the seed of Ham and Japheth come, four hundred thousand, and enter another land and stay with those people who came from the great eternal knowledge. The shadow of their power protects those with them from everything evil and every filthy desire.

Then the seed of Ham and Japheth forms twelve kingdoms, and their other seed enters into the kingdom of other people.

. . . they take counsel . . . aeons . . . that are dead . . . the great aeons of incorruptibility. And they go to their God Sakla. They go in to the powers, accusing the great ones who are in their glory.

They say to Sakla, “What is the power of these people who stood in your presence, who were taken from the seed of Ham and Japheth, who number four hundred thousand? They were received into another realm from which they came, and they overturned all the glory of your power and the dominion of your hand. The seed of Noah through his sons has done your will, and so have all the powers in the realms over which your might rules. Both those people and those who reside in their glory have not done your will. But they have turned aside your whole throng.”

The Revelation (Apocalypse) of Adam

This is an indicator of how many spirited humans existed before the Great Flood in the antedilluivian times in the second atlantis, the previous construct, 400,000. The spirited bloodlines were thus:

Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methusela, Lamech and Noah. The Seth line is where we the spirited humans come from after having descended from the first atlantis, Tiamaat (where the lion slept with the lamb)! This is where most of humanity comes from before The Flood. Far from everything was wiped out in the Deluge and species like Bigfoot, The Grays (A faction of the Grays) The Reptoids and bloodlines such as The Nephelim along with some deep sea life survived and became apart of the bigger dome! Tiammat in the sixth heaven was destroyed but Gaia survived! The reflections of this planet is mirrored all the way down here in 3-D as the asteroid belt! The spirited humans of today are thus from the Seth line which was made sure to be kept pure and uncorrupted by The Rulers thus continued on in this current construct as The Shem line!

Good and Evil

The philosophies and ideas of good a good and evil being go all the way back to Plato in the 5th century and monotheism. It is said that the God of this world is all love and people seem to put him in an all good or evil category but he is neither. Yaldaboath (God to the people of earth) is a mix, he is good "and" evil! He is the ultimate representation of duality and he "is" duality, he can play both sides! I think its an important distinction to note that the creator of this world and humans in relation to "God" is that we do not come from him despite it being said that he is the Father! I refrain from using the word God to describe Source because it is such a loaded word and 9/10 times when someone says "God" they are not referring to the highest God but of Yaldaboath who is taking on the role of Source or All That Is to the people of earth whom follow, praise and worship him numbered in the billions! He actually didnt create us but genetically manipulated us into being! Our original soul and spirit do not come from him but even if we wanted to say he created us the fact of the matter is he is "not" our original creator nor do we come from him. The Global Elite or rather a part of the Global Elite have Lord Ea's/'s blood flowing through them directly so if anything "they" come from him and they are The Minions! The general things that separate us the humans within the general population of earth are 1; The Elite (bloodlines) have very different dna than us humans within the common man. Two; they are of higher intelligence and three, they're a mix of souls coming from elsewhere. In most cases and generally speaking here on earth souls are created by Sophia or Yaldaboath. Even The Global Elite bloodlines can repent and essentially be "deprogrammed" if you will. In regards to us humans within the general population The Elite have had a long time to study how the human mind works. This is why the excel in brainwashing through media and masters of indoctrination and manipulation.
Yaldaboath The Father does not "love" his creations (us) but he can and certainly will "use" us..


The gnostics tried to warn the world back then just as they continue to do today about The Demiurge! Some red flags would be the use of the word "Lord", "Savior" and "Worship" as i mentioned initially. They emphasize going within for answers which im assuming is through meditative practices. Certain things have been embedded within the human mass consciousness such as the need for a savior, doom and gloom death, ascension, the return of nibiru, the second coming, the tunnel of light and much much more. Then we have distractions to prevent us from seeing the bigger picture such as flat earth. The truth of the matter is it doesn't matter what the shape of the earth is, flat, round, oval shape or otherwise because we humans cant even leave the upper layers of earth's atmosphere to see nor do we have a genuine picture of earth, not one picture! One word sums up todays world and that's insanity!

While we are here all we can do is live our lives, raise our frequency and work on ourselves and as many fears as possible so that we can live in pure spirit after haven obtained knowledge and wisdom! After this lifetime "exit" the patrix! There will never be peace here and things are setup a certain way because its setup that way by design. It seems that when you go around on the internet gnostics or bringing up the nag hammadi texts is met with harsh criticism and judgment. I have seen pagan, heretic, blasphemer and other derogatory and demeaning terms to describe the gnostics.. These people are convinced that Yaldaboath whom they deny is Yaldaboath but believe that he is The Highest God or Source and his angels (with angels and demons in the matrix being two sides of the same coin) are the benefactors to humankind. They are not our benefactors as they do not have our best interest in mind!

We humans need to respect eachothers beliefs, Irregardless if these beliefs are conflicting or not which they are. One thing is for certain is that we "do" go where our beliefs take us also everyone is on his or her own path which again is to be respected. There's alot of focus on earth especially from the more neutral oriented star races and they are curious o see where humanity is going from here. The Singularity is a fact and i've brought this up enough to not bring up the implications of this agenda and what it means. We are indeed living in end times but what does that mean? Well the way i see it, it has nothing to do with the end of the world or its destruction at all but we are approaching the end of our species as we know it which will become extinct just within a few decades..

All roads lead to The Singularity!

Disagree to it all and send a thought out into the universe. The universe is thought responsive and will hear, also question "everything" even things which i have said here! Never take anyones word for anything!

We should always know and remember that our thoughts are extremely powerful!

Last edited by Ghaleon : 31-05-2022 at 03:26 AM.