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Old 03-05-2011, 03:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Evolution of the brain follows standards of goodness (adaption, survival,...) over a lack of goodness (not adapting, extinction,...),
And reason proceeds from a desire of good over not good (rejecting contradictions).

What would cause you to change your belief that manipulation is a wonderful thing?

Evolution has absolutely nothing to do with goodness. Goodness or lack of goodness are categories you place on it as a result of your own beliefs. Evolution is a complicated network of trial and error that results in the genetic selections that leave creatures with best chance of survival. This also includes that adaptation of some characteristics which are not "good" but they function within the parameters of evolutionary trade offs.

Regardless, this has little to nothing to do with neuroplasticity.

How exactly does reason come out of desire for good? How are you defining reason and good?

Why should I change such a belief? We are all manipulated all the time. If manipulation did not occur you would never learn, develop, grow, or change states. Of course some people can use manipulation for their own selfish benefit but that does not make manipulation a bad thing.

It's nothing scary or sinister. Your friend calls you and they're having a bad day, you say things that cheer them up - that's manipulation. A client comes to me with a life long fear of dogs, I hypnotize them and the fear is gone- more manipulation. I go to my temple and the priest says perform this rite and receive blessings or someone else goes to church and the priest says do this and burn in hell- both are manipulations.

Really though this does not have a whole lot to do with hypnosis.
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