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Old 20-12-2020, 11:50 PM
Posts: n/a
What needs to be emphasized is that the flow of energy was onsought when the image turned as if turning on the tap water. The energy went from being of a tempting nuisance to a powerful flow as the image turned and it's contents transformed. Getting the energy to flow and transform like this is of course do able while awake and with the right tools you can increase that, but for some reason it was just very clear and powerful in this dream and I had the assistance of some higher intelligence.

This is not the first time a dream triggers something in me. Earlier I received a napping bottle from someone with some drug in it that would help me sleep. And sure enough as I started drinking it the body released the responsible chemicals to sedate me.

It seems there is a level of conciousness where this kind of access is available.
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