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Old 07-10-2021, 06:22 AM
Svaroga Svaroga is offline
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: Washington
Posts: 41
My path to syncretic Neo-Paganism was a slow one, I decided to be a Neo-Pagan at age 14 by my path there took place earlier because I was taught stories about Germanic and Slavic myth as well as from Greece. Slavic mythology was told to me as I asked about what the Slavs were because my last name is Slavic so I learned about their cosmology, Baba Yaga, and the crusades against the Slavs and other conversions. I was told these stories because my parents thought stories were important as stories and they never enforced any religion onto me so I could choose on my own. As a result of hearing these stories though I didn't really believe in the deities emotionally I felt them sacred so at first I started more as an "Atheo-Pagan" and for many years I slowly learned more about Germanic and Slavic paganism but only slowly because I was concerned with my work as a Highschooler dealing with my special needs and trying to figure somethings out. Then after Highschool I noticed I had a lot more free time even as a community college student with a part time job that I can catch up on what I missed having missed a lot. I then realized that I am less of an Atheo-Pagan and more of a Neo-Pagan because that is how I feel, I felt that paganism was sacred to me because of what it teaches so I knew through this feeling that I very much believed in the gods. As of early 2021 I began to actually practice my beliefs so only recently over this seven year journey, I am a syncretic of Germanic and Slavic pagansim who also worships Athena(My dad is a giant fan of Athena even though he's an atheist).
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