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Old 02-11-2020, 06:19 AM
Johnathanrs Johnathanrs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by LoveWater
My real question is-- how do I get back to who I am/was AFTER having had a walk-in soul for the last 8 years? How do I rediscover myself? How do I be as strong, as enlightened, and as amazing as my walk-in was?

I can't answer for you, but can provide a perspective. You think the walk-in isn't you, and you are mistaken. The walk in is you and always will be. You are most likely a fractal of her and she is trying to develop you because any gains that you make will be gains made for her.

In this mathematical concept, of a rpg game, you play as 3 characters that makeup who you are in this reality. Each one is at a different level and any one can become the driver for the group. Any gains made by any character will raise your overall stats in the game.

As a spiritual practitioner, it is recommended to think of yourself as a collective, all the while remembering that some people purposely choose to ignore this part of themselves because they choose to experience a reality where only a singular ego exists. It is also important to remember that some player have thousands, if not more, of egos, otherwise known as characters, that represents who they are within a lifetime.
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