Thread: Monoliths
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Old 04-12-2020, 12:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by tabane27
So I’m presuming most of heard up to date 3rd monolith has appeared in California.

The first one I was so curious as to the truth. Done a little reading on it and I’m not convinced humans have not actually put them there. Humans maybe pulling them down.

I’m so deeply adamant that this year is and has been the most important for the planet but also the solar system.

A couple of years ago my abilities shut off after having a child but once January 2020 hit I felt like I woke up day one wide open. There has been incredible energy shifts and timelines moving back and forth. Each step that has been taken from day one I have felt this energy. I was unaware of an outbreak in China at the time and I was starting to have odd sensations with humungass urgency. The sensations was heart palpitations and flutters, tightness of chest, struggling to grasp for breath, forgetting how to breath, feeling like my lungs were filled up with fluid and a fuzzy vibrating head. I was not I’ll it was a manifestation on a clairsentience level. I told my partner we need to act and stock up I feel something bad. He thought I was being rediculous. Then the virus was coming on the news. I knew then that this is big and it’s bigger than we know. It’s more than just a virus. I couldn’t quiet figure it out but along the way as days past through the year, things started to unfold energetically. The world didn’t just feel off because of a virus it felt off because of something more. The mass of humanity became low in vibration due to fear and many negative things. This also weakening the frequency on a whole. I noticed personal lives of humans was quiet dense, manifestation very distorted from dense negative thoughts thrown out there. The more was and is thrown out there the more that mirrors back. Then I became aware of personal dense energies around me. I started to have intrusive negative thoughts. Obviously I was aware immediately each time it tried to control my thoughts and pushed it right out. This Iv seen also in most humans on the planet recently. But what do u expect when the globe is vibrating at a very low frequency.
Then there is something more than everything I talked about so far. The shift and Devine plan of the creator source. We are ascending and have been back and forth 3D 4D. That is no more! This year marked the end of 3D 4D transition. Allot have said it already has or it’s not truth, whatever. This the end for those dimensions. We are in 4D and 5D is pushing through. Energies are infused into earths grid and pulsating through each branch of the earths energy lines.
Within this year in visions I have seen the true awakening on a mass. Humans were meant to hit low in frequency to rewire and open up. 7 years is the transition period complete to 5D.

Monoliths are an instrument as I saw them in a vision in April. They give off a frequency which would not be heard by the physical ear. The frequencies will rise considerably. This will encase our energies. The path for humanity to ascend.

I speak from my heart and not my mind
Thank you for your report.

Take good care!
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