Thread: Being cursed
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Old 02-01-2020, 01:02 AM
paragon paragon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 98
I agree with zastrakoza. My experience with curses and saboteur energies comes from using Bradley Nelson's Body Code system.

I've previously had (and cleared) curses from entities and saboteur energies subconsciously placed by other people. It's fascinating some of the things people are doing without realising. e.g. Last year at work I threatened to expose something dodgy that was happening at my work, unless the company cleaned their act up. I subsequently felt a sense of negativity around that subject, then later found that my boss had placed a saboteur energy on me in the metaphorical form of a chain around my throat - to stop me from talking, obviously.

But just as you will not literally start choking from such a saboteur energy, you will not literally find yourself laden with a torrent of bad luck if someone places a curse on you. It's more likely to manifest in the form of a sense of unease or something being "not quite right", which can then take on a life of its own if you start believing it has power over you. But again, the real danger is believing it and creating a self-fulfilling story about it. I will take a wild guess and say that was the purpose of the jar - to create the fear that would then activate the curse.
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