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Old 28-04-2024, 03:45 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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Hey Redchic12, I guess now in my hypersensitive state I look back with embarrassment on some of the things I did when I was more calloused. As far as defending myself, these days spirit fights my battles for me. I am bless to not consider anyone my opponent or enemy, but it was not always that way. Bless you and hope all is going well for you my friend.

Goldcup7, in my experience there is a state where there are no others. There is no self in non-duality; and the fact that we can dissolve what we call “ego” just says it has no permanent existence. I embrace that nothing in creation has a permanent existence, including all of our human features and attributes. Ego, in my opinion, is a human concept. “I” separates me from others and from the oneness of being; which I embrace as our permanent and primordial state. Nonetheless, I do want to respect other various points of view.

I view myself not as an ego, but as a center of expression for the primal oneness of being. At this very moment we all exist in the midst of infinity; infinity has no up, down, or sides, it has no borders, and thus it has no one center. Its center is everywhere, and what I call myself is at its center, we are all at the center of the incredible space-less space of infinity; all things are. I am a center of expression and in my human expression self referral is “I.” This might be called a metaphysical perspective but actually it is beyond words and thoughts.

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