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Old 18-04-2022, 01:05 PM
MidasCloud MidasCloud is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 162
Wisps Species - Wisps as Reincarnating and Sentient Life of the Biosphere

[size="3"]It's previously mentioned that people reincarnate in cycles of man and woman, every 100 years, and that there is an associated energy affecting the environment, which is counterclockwise or clockwise, and is related to how people are interested in the current music, not the music from 100 years ago (like 1920). This is likely a result of the change in mental energy.

It's often mentioned how the web of life, or circle of life, affects every species, so in a sense, every species depends on every other species. Similarly, the biosphere's different personality temperaments show up as different species. In a sense, species that reincarnate can be described as Sentient Species of different Temperaments, especially when one considers how Blood Type can affect temperament. Similarly, different temperaments of the members in the biosphere, showing up as different species, are influenced by size, look, diet, and ways of living.

To determine if an animal species reincarnates, one can direct the heart chakra energy towards the body or "meat" with a feeling of gratitude, or with an expression of giving thanks, and if the "meat" does not take in the heart chakra energy as an expression of gratitude, or appears welcoming and "enlarged", then the animal reincarnates and cannot be taken as food, or at least one cannot take actions that would threaten or lead to the extinction of the species (like genetically modifying mosquitos so they breed less). Another method of determining whether an animal species reincarnates, is whether Sexual Temperament manifests, or if one can witness any homosexual behavior (like becoming abnormally aggressive or acting angrily on a whim, as in dogs).

Interestingly, with regards to edible meat, certain animals (including plants) do reincarnate, and allow you to eat them, provided that you allow them to reproduce. Also, certain reincarnating animals, even if they appear to allow you to eat them, it does not mean that you should, because there is a genetic memory associated with consuming meat, and your voice might not reach them or resonate with them on a deeper level, due to Fear emotional repression. In this case, you will need to tell yourself that you won't eat any more (name of animal here) anymore.

While certain animals of different Species Temperament (reincarnating and sentient) do occasionally eat or kill other reincarnating species, they are usually not as aware of what they are doing. Also, they do not see the other Species Temperament as food to be hunted, specifically, though do view them angrily. This might also be related to how reincarnating species pass on Emotional Repressions associated with past wrongs, such as indiscriminate killing, eating a body or carcass of the reincarnating species, or even attempts to bring the species to extinction (like genetic modification).

Also, people might associate evolution as changes in the genetic structure or DNA, which get passed on to subsequent generation, leading to new species. The example of squirrels shows that evolution happens in Environments associated with Greater Emotional Repression Release, or the ether associated with parallel Universes and alternate dimensions. Squirrels, twenty years ago in 2000, are reported on the internet to be existing only in North America, though in 2005 as existing in the UK and nowhere else, then in 2020, squirrels are reported to be in Japan and nowhere else, as well as India, and later are found in Africa, Southeast Asia, Siberia, South America, and even Australia. In this sense, the Universe is teeming with life, so it's just whether that life manifests in the physical, and if that life reincarnates.

Another point is that the psychic modalities also manifest in the physical, so while Sentient Species reincarnate, the ability to reincarnate between species as a sentient being is also a possibility, as a manifestation of Clairaudient Clairalience. Interestingly, personality is how people tell each other apart, and without personality, everything would look and feel the same. In this sense, all things physical are a manifestation of personality, and thus, life. Jade, for example, shows up in areas with unpolluted water, and is also associated with parallel Universes and alternate dimensions (specifically, Environments with different Emotional Repression Releases), so while it can be found in Canada, jade cannot be found in the US due to widespread water fluoridation, or how it can be found in Myanmar, but not Yunnan and other parts of Southern China, due to industrial water pollution.

Considering this, it might be possible for certain people (considering Racial Temperament, Sexual Temperament, Frequency Temperament, and Generation Temperament) to reincarnate into sentient animals of about equal or greater Heart Soul Energy, like dolphins.

In popular folklore, there are mention of fairies, aethers, elementals and wisps. While these cannot be looked at in terms of being touched, they can be felt and thus, seen in the mind's eye, as possibly a region of Emotional Repression Release.

In terms of Relationship Temperament, wisps are always looked at with Woo-Wow-Aww eyes

Last edited by Native spirit : 26-04-2022 at 08:49 AM.
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